
Here is a list of all of the current updates for the "adventure" / story of The Winged. This is a private venture for fun; I have no idea how long I'll keep doing this... But it did prompt me to finally make a website, so at least I've got a website now.

The allegiances for each month are updated as events happen over the course of actions, so they will always reflect the final state of the month, and not the beginning of it. If it becomes necessary as months go on / helpful for someone who's just starting [is anyone going to start if they didn't begin with it??] then I may make a version for the beginning state of each month, and then an allegiance for the end state of the month.

Month 0 // Allegiances

Month 1 // Allegiances

Month 2 // Allegiances // Outside

Month 3 // Allegiances // Outside

Month 4 // Allegiances // Outside

Month 5 // Allegiances // Outside // Afterlife

Month 6 // Allegiances // Outside // Afterlife

Month 7 // Allegiances // Outside // Afterlife