⊗ go stop the light from putting herbs in his baby mouth !!!!

You loom ominously over your younger brother. Hi, Light. What are you doing?
He turns around to look up at you, all wide eyes and innocence. You'd think it was an act, but you know The Light well enough by this point that you're pretty sure he truly has no idea why you're trying to stop him - he doesn't think of what he's doing as something dangerous or naughty, just something he wanted to do.
Which, you guess, is why he wasn't even trying to be sneaky.
Wiwi! He says, genuinely happy to see you. His tail wags. Hi! I wanna sort stuff like Little does. You watch them a lot, can you teach me how they do it?
You flick your ears, thinking. The Little is currently out gathering herbs, so they won't be back for some time - that just leaves you to watch over the healer's den. The Whistler is still in there too, but luckily they've been stable.
You know that The Little wouldn't have left if someone was in critical condition, but it would have been difficult for them if someone had been, since they were running low on herbs. They could ask other slugcats to help gather medicinal plants, but a lot of them only knew basic ones that could help, and wouldn't be able to recognise something more specialised... And, of course, a lot of the time The Little would have used up or already prepared the herb they needed more of, so they might not have examples to show them. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't be able to part with it to give the slugcats an example to look at.
Relying on memory for plants based on looking close enough can be dangerous, you know, because The Little has already taught you that some plants that are helpful also have poisonous lookalikes.
Being the only healer sure is stressful!
You're not sure The Light can really follow The Little's sorting system, since even you don't totally know all the details of it yet, but you think that it'll probably be okay if you go in with him. The Little always keeps more dangerous stuff out of your reach, so there's no way The Light can get to it.
Yeah, okay! You say, finally. Don't put anything in your mouth though, got it? It's important stuff, and if you eat it then someone else who needs it later might not be able to use it.
Ooooh, okay. The Light nods. Like how The Stone's parent doesn't eat vulture grubs anymore. 'Cause an adult like them can eat all kinds of meat, but The Stone can't eat those.
Yeah, exactly! You actually haven't heard this story about The Stone, so you're not totally sure if it is like that, but you think it's probably close enough. The Light really likes following after The Storm for such tales, so you're not really surprised that he might know one you don't.
The Light reaches out his tiny paw to grip yours, and you squeeze it back. It's a little damp, and you're kind of baffled how he managed to get his paw so clammy. Even your hind paws aren't that wet, and you walked outside of the shelter earlier.
Now that you think about it, maybe it's milk from one of your parents. You twist your mouth a little, because that's kind of gross, but he's still holding your hand so you leave it alone for now.
You let him lead the way forwards towards The Little's den, watching the way he surveys this part of the shelter with wide eyes. He hasn't been here too often either, so it must seem very strange and new to him. You've noticed that when he's bored, he starts zoning out, so him taking everything in is a sure sign it's cool to him.
He was already coming here himself anyway, but you still feel pleased that you could get him to look interested in something you're taking him to.
Once you're both standing inside the den, you put your hands on your hips and survey it importantly. The Little usually keeps everything neat and tidy, so you don't think there's really much for The Light to try to sort... But, oh! There's a pawful of horse tails on the sticky-out part of the wall The Little calls a counter. It looks like they were in the middle of using them for something, so you figure it can't hurt to re-arrange them again.
You reach up on tiptoes and snag them, before handing them over to The Light.
He looks at them, then at you. What're these?
They're horse tails! You say, leaning yourself against the wall instead of sitting down like you've seen the teens do sometimes. The Little uses them in helping to wrap clean leaves around wounds for bandages! To stop bleeding and stuff. He says you can also use them to bind splints to people if you need to keep an arm or leg or tail straight while it heals.
He widens his eyes, and looks at the long plant strands with new respect.
Thank you for your hard work, horse tails, The Light says to them, solemnly.
You said you wanted to sort stuff like The Little, so I thought we could help them a little by separating out the horse tails. See how some of them are longer? You can sort them into piles based on how long they are, so all the horse tails that are the same size are in a pile, and other size horse tails are different patterns.
He nods eagerly, and gets to work doing just that.
Eventually you get tired of standing up, so you sit down on the floor beside him. The Light is focusing pretty hard on this task, though sometimes he looks up and around at him again with wide eyes, just taking in all the different sights and scents of herbs on all the different shelves, or sometimes hanging by horse tails from the ceiling to dry.
The Whistler is sitting upright in their nest not far from the store of medicine, watching the two of you with curious eyes. They're still not supposed to talk, so they don't say anything, but their ears are perked towards the both of you.
That's The Whistler, by the way, You say to The Light, pointing to them. You were too busy being a baby and stuff, but they showed up at our camp last month all hurt.
The Light looks over at them, distracted from their task, and abandons it to wander up to the other slugcat. He stretches his muzzle up towards The Whistler's wrapped cheek and mouth, sniffing intently.
You have horse tails on you! He says to them, to which they flick their tail in agreement.
Yeah! It's keeping those leaves and the poultice under them pressed to their wound. They also still gotta lick up some seeds from seed pods, but since it's been healing they haven't needed as many as before.
You point up at the green pods and where they lay in the shelves, high up enough that you're not sure The Light even noticed them - but, you guess when you're seeing everything here for the first time, there's so much that they can't really notice any one thing!
What do the seeds do?
They help numb the pain! Mushrooms also do that, but mostly they make you feel all slow, so it's not really as useful for the pain-helping part.
The Light looks thoughtful, but when he asks another question, it doesn't have anything to do with the herbs. Do you think The Whistler knows any stories?
Well, probably! You shrug and look at them for confirmation. They twitch their ears, amused, but bob their head. They won't be able to tell you any stories 'til they're all better, though.
When you're better, can you tell me some? He asks them. The Storm knows lots of them, but I want to know every story.
They twitch their ears again, and nod a second time.
He smiles at them. Thank you! I hope you get better soon.
You thought he would have forgotten about them, but The Light walks back towards the herb store and sits back down to continue sorting. You wave to The Whistler for him, though you're not really going far at all, and follow him back.
You were finding this a little boring, but you guess you should stay with him while he does it. Obviously you need to make sure he doesn't decide to break in and eat anything, even if it's something like honey which is tasty and wouldn't hurt him.
I wish I was The Stone's friend, The Light says suddenly.
You twitch your tail, surprised by this topic, and look at your little brother. He's still arranging the horse tails carefully, and hasn't looked up from it. Yeah?
Yeah, He nods. It's not fair that they get hated for having scavenger horns and spikes. I would be their friend. I think they're cool. I wish I had horns like that.
Yeah, I was glad when they got The Spider to be their friend, You say. You're sure he's heard that story before too.
Ya. But The Spider is also a monster, so they might eat them. Cus I wouldn't eat them, so they could have a safe friend, He says. Then they would have more friends.
It's a nice thought! You pat his head, between his ears. He looks up as you do, peeking from under your paw. I bet The Stone would like it.
He smiles at you, then goes back to his sorting.
⊗ ANOTHER STRANGER???? go go go go go go

Oh yes, you remember how this went last time. You trot forwards to meet The Wild and The Olive with confidence.
Now that you know what to expect, plus with an extra month of experience under your belt, you're sure you can be much more cool and calm about this stranger's new and maybe scary injury; and you might even be able to help The Little!
So you can't help but be a little disappointed to find, when you get closer, that the teenager actually seems perfectly unharmed.
Though, The Olive is snuffling and sniffling through a runny nose that she keeps wiping with the back of her arm. You make a note to ask The Little for some lemon to help her later.
Hi Olive, Hi Wild! You say to them. Who's that?
I'm The Gull, The stranger answers you directly. They look at you face-on, ears perked to attention - the gaze seems to almost drill into you, and you're confused by the intensity of the stare directed at you.
She's from The Saviour's clowder. She was waiting for us at the border, The Wild explains - to you, you think at first, but then your father speaks from behind you, and you realise with surprise that he's padded up to join you... And you didn't even notice!
Hmm. What's one of Saviour's slugcats doing here? The Pale asks, tilting his head at her as he puts a paw between your ears. Are you in need of The Little's expertise?
No, sir, The Gull lifts her stare from you to your dad, and she straightens her back from "normal" to "uncomfortably stiff line". I came to join your clowder, if you'll be having me. I wouldn't presume, as your word would surely supersede your second's, but he was amenable enough to the idea to bring me here, to be sure.
Your father scratches idly at his wet chest, thoughtful. I mean, anyone who wants to come here is welcome to, and I won't ask why if you're not comfortable —
She doesn't even wait for him to finish, lifting her tail up in anger. It's because The Saviour's clowder can hardly be called that anymore, sir! Whatever they stood for, may the sky grant them sleep, that's not the way the clowder is being run anymore. Turning out newcomers, guarding our borders, that's not the way of The Saviour, who welcomed anyone that needed help.
A crowd of curious slugcats has begun gathering around at this new, interesting turn of events. The Whistler was neat, of course, but they haven't been able to give anybody the gossip yet, while this stranger is not only able to do it, she's spitting it out to anyone who wants to hear, before The Pale's finished talking!
Yes, I was wondering about that, He says. I'm not asking you to tell me something like tactical secrets, as I certainly have no intention of trying to go fight The Noodlefly, but any news you could provide would be appreciated.
Ah, don't worry about that, The Wild says with a snort. She's been filling us in on all of it, I think she's been burning up without talking about it.
I'll say! The Olive does indeed say, with a co-conspiratorial grin tossed to her former mentor. Did you know, Saviour's lot supposedly can't even talk to their parents without some kind of pomp, ceremony, or secrecy?
The Gull doesn't even seem to notice The Olive's joke (you're pretty sure it's a joke, anyway, you can't imagine anything else!), too busy continuing her spiel. The Noodlefly? Forget The Noodlefly, that guy's not even alive anymore. No, our new leader declared himself that and the entire council didn't say a thing about it! I'm sure they decided to hold their tongues after The Noodlefly's unfortunate "accident", we all wonder at that suspicious timing so soon after The Shining shows up even if no one says anything!
The Pale is shocked. The Noodlefly passed on? We didn't hear about this at all.
The Little hasn't been visiting lately, The Wild notes, with a shake of his head. No one asked for them, so they didn't go there as of recent - especially with how hectic having the clowder's first pups has been here. I think our news might be a good few months out of date, from what The Gull's been telling me.
Agh, The Pale drags his paw down his face, leaving a wet smear of milk on one side. He doesn't seem to notice. I take a couple months off to have children and this is what happens? Political drama we didn't expect or prepare for? The Saviour's clowder has always been so stable, why in void's name did this Shining pick here of all places to stir up trouble?
We all wish we knew, sir, The Gull says, tail still lashing. That's my problem with it all. It isn't that The Shining has been a bad leader even, or forced us to do anything. In fact, he's been a thoughtful clowder citizen and the combat training he leads for the interested was quite fun - but that doesn't change the fact that his choices make us stray further and further from The Saviour's light.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see The Bouncy emerge from the shelter, one paw on the side of the entrance, in time to hear her say these words. He stiffens and quickly turns around, vanishing with one flick of his tail back inside.
That's why I came here, She concludes, folding her arms. I hear The Saviour never had any true complaints about you, sir, and you may not be of their clowder, but at this rate I'm sure you follow their mind if not their method. That's more than I could say for The Shining.
The Gull lowers herself so that her hind legs are folded behind her, and her forepaws are placed in front of her. She lowers her head to your father - and you standing in front of him. Which is really weird to see!
So I humbly beseech, at your discretion and with all agreement that I shall loyally carry out what you see fit to command, knowing your direction and grace, that you allow me to join your clowder and become one of its members in its entirety, regardless of rank or file.
Oh, of course, The Pale says, flapping his ears a little. He removes the paw on your head and extends it out to her, offering to help her up - but she just places her own paws on top of his, and looks up at him. Ah. Yes, you don't need to do all that, Gull, just asking is fine. Of course you're welcome to join, you're right at least, in that I certainly won't tell any slugcat that wants to become part of the clowder to hit the trail again. Come on, up you get.
She finally takes your father's hand properly and lets him pull her to her feet. She dusts her pelt off, patting at her legs, then looks back up at him, all her attention laser-focused on him.
If you're willing, I do want to ask for more specific details about everything that's been happening in your old clowder. Not here, with all these nosy parkers, He tosses a playful glare at the crowd of slugcats, who chirp and titter their amusement or innocence. As I have some questions that will tiptoe along things I swore I would keep secret, and I'd certainly rather not risk promises to the dead in front of more people than necessary. I'd like you to come to me later in the shelter, with The Wild and The Silky.
For now, I suspect you've come a bit of a ways to cross from your camp grounds to ours, so I'm sure you must be hungry? Why don't you go to our stores and pick out something to eat first? And later, we'll introduce you to everyone in the clowder as well. The New Sun, would you be willing to guide this youngster to where everything is?
The New Sun jolts, surprised to be picked out of the crowd. Uh, sure.
You can bring your friends, don't worry, The Pale adds at her expression, with an indulgent smile.
As you direct, sir, The Gull says, her ears perked and alert. Thank you for this opportunity, I'll be sure not to waste it.
And you two, The Pale turns to The Wild and The Olive. If you've no great hunger yourselves, I'd like to have any more details about the situation that transpired when you encountered her at the border too. Your accounts and then hers later, if you please.
Of course, The Wild says.
Sure, The Olive agrees, cheerily.
They start explaining to him about where they went on their patrol, and which border, while The New Sun - and The Wind, you can't help but notice, now that The Broken always points it out whenever they're together - guides The Gull towards the shelter.
This part isn't really quite as interesting to you, though. You've never been outside of the camp, so the explanation of the border doesn't mean anything to you at all - you don't know where that is! Eventually, bored, you wade through the slugcats still listening to the retelling of events, and go off to find something else to do.
You can now view The Gull's details in this month's Allegiances.
⊗ hey winged say b[CENSORED]
⊗ winged are you really gonna do that? march up to spark and call her a b[CENSORED]?

This can't fool you!! Your papa already explained to you that words like this are dirty, yucky words adults use sometimes if they're very angry, but you shouldn't know them and people shouldn't be saying them around you! And if anyone does, you should scold them for it! Shame on them, saying that when pups are around!
You're not sure why it's especially bad for pups to learn, though.
You briefly think of calling your little sister a very bad word, then vehemently shake your head. Why would you call her that?? Whatever it is, it's super mean! You would never!
⊗ DON'T do that. help her
That's right! You ARE going to help her! She's a lot more scared of everything than The Light is, so she needs your help and comfort. You're not sure what she wants to do, but she clearly needs big sis Winged to come get her!
⊗ now hey, never said we should call spark that.
⊗ hey winged you know what you should do. you should go to broken and call her this. tell her you heard it was a really nice word close friends call each other. you can do this
⊗ you are NOT calling broken a b[CENSORED].
Exactly, you already said this couldn't fool you!!!! You know these words now, so you know not to say them! You won't call Broken that kind of stuff!
⊗ winged dont do this. call broken nice things. like friend and pal and matterbaby
⊗ you may call her a matterbaby.
⊗ not only may you call her a matterbaby you MUST call her a matterbaby
She is your friend though, so that's true. But you don't know what matterbaby means, and you think that you should find that out later before calling someone that. Just in case the random word you thought of is another mean one like the other ones.
⊗ go check in on and comfort the spark! maybe bring a little snack?
Hi Spark, You say to her, crouching onto your knees beside the nest. I got you a snack: a bit of bubble fruit for you to eat.
She peers out at you with big eyes. I can't eat those... Mama said we're not ready to eat food yet. We still have to drink milk until we have more teeth.
You didn't think of this... But, you're lucky that what you took was bubble fruit. Since it's very soft and pops in your mouth full of watery juice, you think it'll probably be ok. It's not very hard, you don't have to chew! Maybe just lick it and see how you feel about the taste, okay?
The Spark blinks at you, uncertain. I guess, if I just lick it...
You smile encouragingly and hold it out to her. She slides out her little tongue and touches it to the piece of fruit, licking off the juice shining on it.
Is that how fruit tastes? She asks, wonderingly. I didn't know.
She leans forward and starts licking at it again - not eating, just sucking up the juice. You guess you should have expected that since this is how she eats milk?
Eventually, she sucks down the whole piece of fruit, and settles down in the straw of the nest with a little sigh.
Why were you looking out of the nest all scared and stuff? You ask her, sitting down properly now that it seems like The Spark isn't going to get up or move anywhere else. You stretch your hind paws out in front of you.
I wanted to go out and explore, like The Light... She drags her paw over one of the tufts of fur in the nest. But there's so many people out there. I dunno. I wanted to leave but I wanted to stay, because it felt safer here. You know?
You don't really understand it at all, but you can understand new things being scary. She has been out before, but not alone. You remember your mother said slugpups this young usually only start exploring camp, and need someone older to look after them. She did say you wandered off already yourself, but you guess that's kind of like The Light wanting to explore!
What if I come with you? You hold out your paw to her, pad up, inviting. We can walk out together. If it's scary you can hide behind me.
The Spark looks at you, twitching her ears in concentration as she thinks about it. Yeah... That wouldn't be so bad. It doesn't sound noisy anymore. There was lots going on outside before. And a stranger came into the shelter...
Nope, it's normal kindsa quiet now! You agree. She places her small paw in yours, so you help her stand up to her hind legs. She isn't even a little wobbly anymore, though her tail twitches against yours. The adults all got done talking together. Maybe they're finally bored now too and talking about other stuff? The newcomer is The Gull, she's joining our clowder! Papa wanted her to talk to him here later.
Okay. Then I wanna explore the camp, before Papa and Mama come back in. The Spark nods, satisfied with this plan, and squeezes your hand. Together, you walk out of the entrance - you leading, her right behind you. She's following so close she keeps nearly stepping on your tail, but there's not really any good place to move it...
This camp must still seem so big to her, since she's barely come out. It's weird to think about how it doesn't feel like that to you anymore, because you remember when it was that for you, too.
The Spark seems amazed all over again, looking up into the grey sky, then at all the trees and plants around you. After that, she gawks again at all the slugcats - but she doesn't try to talk to any of them. Which you kinda expected; both of your siblings don't really walk up to people to talk to them, that you've seen. It's different from you, where you do it all the time.
Why is there a light there? She asks, pointing at one of the poles at the border of camp.
It's so even when it's dark, it's easier to find your way back! You explain. When the rain's about to fall and stuff, it gets reeeeeeal dark. So if you've got lanterns, you can find this place better. If anyone else needs to come run in and hide from the rain, that's a good way to let them know we're here, too!
You asked The Storm at some point why the poles were so important, and she'd told you something like that. Hopefully patrols wouldn't be out when the cycle is about to end, though! It usually doesn't change how long it takes, so you think it shouldn't be too hard for everyone to remember when to start heading back.
Then what about that sticking out of the ground? The Spark points at another pole, in the middle of camp. It doesn't have a lantern.
You scratch your ear. Uhh, I dunno. I guess maybe it fell off? But that's not usually there... Maybe it's a spear? With the tip all hidden, like in the shelter.
She perks up. Can I grab it?
No way she's going to be able to pull it out of the dirt, it's so deep in. Especially when you can't. Yeah, okay!
You walk with her to it, and prepare to be entertained as she lets go of you to grip the weapon with both paws.
You're not disappointed, watching with amused tail flicks as The Spark grunts and growls, trying to first pull it out from the top, then yanking from the side, and finally pushing at it, throwing the entirety of her small body weight at it without any effect at all. Her paws slide out from beneath her as she pushes, until she's just lying down on her belly against the spear.
Eventually, she gives up and sits back up.
Where did The Light go? She asks you, looking around.
Ummm. He went to look at The Little's den before, but he's out of the shelter now, so he should be somewhere, You reply.
You also look around to see if you can find your little brother. You can't, not immediately, so you walk further into it, ears perked in case you hear his voice - but he's so quiet, you feel like it's easier to just look for him. And eventually you do spot him - he's sitting by himself in a corner of the camp, paws idly tracing something in the sand.
Light! The Spark jumps forwards, now pulling you along, and scoots over to sit by him. What are you doing?
Drawing, Is his answer, expression creased in concentration. You tilt your head to look, but you can't tell what he's trying to make. I saw this shape up on the wall. I wanted to try copy it.
Now that you look, it does seem like the symbol you've paid little attention to.
What's it mean? She wonders.
Dunno, He replies. I've been making up a story about it though. Wanna hear?
Yeah, The Spark says, like it's obvious. You nod, too!
I've been thinking it could be a symbol of power, The Light says, tail slowly wagging back and forth. It could protect The Stone from The Spider. If The Spider ever wants to eat them. I could give them the symbol, and they would know we were best of friends.
I don't think The Spider would eat them, You object, with a frown. You like The Spider, and they changed their whole body to be a slugpup to be friends with The Stone! I think they might eat the other slugpups that are mean, but not their friend.
He seems a little upset. W-well, I still would give them the symbol! Just in case.
You could be The Spider, The Spark says. Then you could be giving them your seal or something. In case you end up hurting them.
That's cool too, but... I dunno if I wanna be The Spider.
Well I like you, Spider or not, You reassure The Light. He seems a bit reassured by that.
Anyway... We would leave the clowder that sucks so bad, with their parent. And The Spider, I guess. We could travel far and wide, exploring the world... Maybe we would meet their scavenger parent too, and they could learn about scavengers.
I want to learn about scavengers, The Spark says. I wonder what they're like?
You wonder too. Your parents have mentioned knowing a pack of them, but you've never seen one or scented one! They have antlers, you guess, and fur, longer fur than you do, and sometimes frills or spikes...
But you won't find them right now. You decide to instead focus on The Light and The Spark's conversation, and then the game they want to play. Of course they pull you into playing with them, too - before long, it seems as if The Light has completely forgotten about being a bit upset with you, and The Spark seems to have forgotten about how nervous she was coming out.
With you and him there, she plays with confidence, calm and comforted. You wonder if she'll ever feel up to wandering off alone when she's older, too.
⊗ See what the New Sun wants with the Broken?

Hi Sun! You pounce on her tail, and she flinches in surprise. Her tail whips out lightning-fast from under your paws, shifting to an aggressive lift as she turns to face you with pricked ears, though she relaxes when she realises it's just you.
Ah. Hi, Winged, The New Sun says, letting her tail slide back on the ground. You immediately place a paw back on it, and this time she doesn't flick it away. Did you want something?
⊗ ask someone whats a matterbaby
Yeah! What's a matter baby? You ask.
...Uh, have you been listening to Untouched? She sounds a tiny bit amused, now. There's a smile in her voice, though her mouth only quirks. Ignore him, it's just a joke. They're not real things.
Oh, okay! That wasn't the main reason you came to talk to her, so it's easy for you to go ahead and forget about it. You're more curious, after all, about one thing in particular. I actually wanted to ask you, why are you staring at Broken?
Oh. She looks down at one of her forepaws, which you notice has a small cut on the pad. So that's what you were curious about.
She pauses and shifts her body, adjusting the way she's sitting. Her tail twitches, trying to curl around her legs, but you're still pinning it down. Yes... Well, I guess you're a good person to ask. If anyone. Earlier today I was re-arranging my nest materials. Removing some of the older plant matter. Adding some fluff and feathers.
You nod wisely. From what Broken said, you're willing to bet some of that fluff was some of the cast-off fur from Wind and Untouched - she says that it's the height of love, romantic or not, to include the scent of your loved ones in your own nest. You're already planning on how you'll tuck whose fur where in your own nest, when you have one.
While I was doing that, I jabbed my paw on a thorn someone had hidden in there - I know that it wasn't one that I brought in myself, because I haven't slept on anything pointy since the last time I collected new material. The fur and feathers were little enough that I would have seen it if it was in there.
I'm pretty sure it was from The Broken, because I know since her apprenticeship she's been developing something of a pranking streak.
You nod again. This is definitely true! After she got you to prank her mentor, she's also enlisted your help for other little schemes like that too. Something harmless, but pretty funny.
But I don't really know her that well, The Sun finishes. While the prank itself isn't something I take offence to (it is just a small scratch), I wonder if it means she doesn't like me. I can't tell if this is made in good jest or with a more negative nature. You're her best friend. What do you think?
Huh! You hadn't really thought about something like that, because you do know just where you stand with The Broken, but it makes sense that The Sun might be less sure. You've never really seen them hanging out too much, not any more than when with the rest of The Sun's friends.
You try to think about if The Broken has ever said anything about The Sun to you, good or bad. It's not easy, because even if she has, it's not something you would have thought about or kept in mind very much.
Of course, The Broken talks plenty about The Sun's relationships, but for the slugcat herself...? Which kinda makes it harder, since you have to sift through your memories of her talking about how The Sun gets along with The Wind, or The Untouched.
Hmmmm! You fold your arms and roll your head from side to side as you think. Finally, you answer. I dunno, I don't think she hates you or anything. She hates The Bouncy, and she doesn't make a secret of that. She likes talking about you, so I think she prolly likes you okay.
She likes talking about me...? The Sun doesn't seem like she knows whether to be troubled about this or flattered, her ears levelling out to the sides in a flat swoop and then coming back up, then levelling out again. I wasn't aware of that.
Well, she only talks about you with me, You explain matter-of-factly. So 'course you wouldn't know!
I suppose that's only reasonable, She agrees.
You nod a third time. Exactly! Why would she talk to you about talking about you? That'd be kinda weird! So obviously she's not gonna do that. But, I don't think she's ever talked about not liking you at all, so I think you're just fine in her book. Plus, didn't you all hang out with her before I was born?
Well, yes... The Sun rubs her chin with the back of her paw. But she was a lot younger than us, and we were mostly apprentices by the time we met her. She didn't join until just before you were born, after all. So there wasn't too much time to get to know her. Or at least, I didn't feel so...
Right, because you're quiet! So you probably take longer to really feel like you're friends with someone than Untouched or Wind, 'cause they talk to people a lot more than you and can get to know someone a lot quicker.
...Well, I mean. Yeah. The Sun seems a little nonplussed about the way you so casually summarised how she thinks of relationships.
You are completely unperturbed. Don't worry! You still have plenty of time to hang out with her and get to know her, especially 'cause my dad gave you an apprentice to train. Now you'll be hanging out near her for training sessions too, even if you'll be doing it like, as a mentor.
The Wind's going to graduate soon too, I bet, but The Gull just started training like Broken. Heck, she's even newer, 'cause Broken's been training for a month but The Gull barely started out!! So you can get to know her more there, if you want. Or maybe when you're both full warriors, you'll have more time!
Hey, have you started looking into what The Gull's learnt so far?
Oh, The Gull? She repeats. She looks a little off-balance, like she can't quite keep up with your topic changes. We haven't yet, we've rather just started. I want to take her training soon though, and get a measure of her. I may ask her to spar with The Broken, just to see what she's learnt compared to what we teach here.
The Gull mentioned extra combat lessons... It's lucky we don't have claws, or I worry how The Shining might have been teaching her. She seems very excited to fight.
But yes, about getting to know The Broken, I suppose all of what you said is true.
'Course it is! You're already back to the topic of her new apprentice. I wonder what kind of things she's learnt already? I think combat training looks a little scary! But her being from a different clowder makes me wanna know what she knows. Maybe you can also learn whatever she's been taught over there! And about that, what do you think things were like over there? She's so stiff, and she talks so weird!
Uh, yes... The Sun is starting to look a little overwhelmed, at this point. I'm afraid I haven't gotten the chance to know The Gull that well yet, so I can't answer most of that. You should probably ask her yourself if you want to know... For now, if it's all the same to you, I need to go on patrol.
Right, 'cause you're a warrior and you're busy! Okay! Remember to go take someone with you! Though you actually don't know if anyone's still worried about the lizard. It's been a couple months with no mention of it, by now, but your dad hasn't said to anyone that it's now a-ok to travel alone, so you figure it probably still counts.
Yes, of course. Thank you for the concern, as well as the reply. I'll be seeing you. And with that, The Sun gets to her feet. You lift your paws off her tail, since she's clearly got something to do, and she scuttles away.
⊗ let's talk to the broken!!!
⊗ Hmmm, if Broken isn't nosy...maybe she's curious! Or a MEDDLER

Hi Broken! You say to her, not waiting for her greeting before you continue. I've been thinking about what I could call it. I think you're a meddler!
She gives you a baffled look, cocking her head to the side. Now what have I done?
I meant last month! You clarify. Remember, you said nosy was a rude way to say it. So I decided, if it's not nosiness... Then it's gotta be meddlingness!
The Broken snorts and shoves you. Okay, wow! I can't believe you've actually been thinking about it?? Loser!
You stick your tongue out. You're the loser! Anyways, what'd you call me over for?
Oh! She pauses, and looks at you. I didn't actually have anything to say or share today, I just wanted to spend more time with you.
Aww. And you call me sappy! You tease, flicking her flank with your tail.
What can I say? You must have rubbed off on me! She tosses her head.
You giggle, and settle down beside her. Well, if you don't have any new topics... How was training today?
Oh, it was fine! The Broken says dismissively. Can't complain, but nothing too new or interesting. Practising the same old moves until muscle memory can take over, that kind of thing. We didn't even do any sparring today.
Have you sparred with The Gull yet? You're curious. Did The Shining teach her any brutal moves?
I'll bet! She laughs. Nope, they haven't let me spar with her yet. I've just been training with The Wind. I think only New Sun's fought her at this point, since she's testing what she knows or whatever. Maybe The Untouched did too? He keeps tagging along with their training.
And the only thing stopping The Wind is because she's busy with training herself, right? You guess. You know the kind of things Broken has liked talking about recently, so you know taking this tack of conversation will delight her.
Exactly! She slaps her tail on the ground merrily. Since The Amber is nesting, Wind's been putting Olive through her paces as a mentor, trying to get her to help her finish prepping. I think she reeeeally wants to tag along with her besties and graduate already, so she has less time training and more alone time with them.
I guess she's going to get there soon anyways though, right? You tilt your head. Since she's only a month younger than them.
Well, she could always graduate later! The Broken points out. 'Cause it's not about how old you are or how long you've trained exactly, but how much you've learnt, how well you're doing, stuff like that. If she doesn't try hard, she might be a year old and still stuck training!
Wow... You marvel. You never thought about this possibility. I hope I don't take that long.
Nah! She shoves your shoulder, friendly. I betcha you'll get by real fast! Though healing seems like hard work.
Yeah, there's lots more medicine and stuff to memorise, You nod. The Little mentioned that healers usually take longer to train... But I s'pose if that's normal, that's okay.
You'll be awesome at it! When we're adults, I'll come back from patrols all battle-scarred from fighting off a lizard and visit you for medicine, and you'll patch me up easy! I'll be so big and tough, and you'll have so many new poultices you made up.
You laugh and smile. It's a nice thing to imagine, the both of you all grown up and helping to take care of the clowder in your own ways.
I wonder how big the clowder will be then? You stretch out and lie down on your stomach, kicking your feet as you think.
Dunno! She lies down beside you, relaxing. Amber and Rust have pups on the way too, and then we can't ever guess who's gonna show up at our door asking to join. I bet it'll be really busy by then.
Imagine all the nests! You picture it in your mind, the spacious cavern of the shelter filled in with slugcats of all kinds, so there's no big empty gaps at all.
You won't be able to get any kind of peace unless you leave camp! She agrees, laughing. That sounds fun, though. Like a huge family.
You nod your agreement. You weren't sure about having baby siblings, but you really do love them now that they're here. You like to imagine it'd feel like that with a bigger clowder, too.
More people also means more relationships for you to poke your snout into, right? You add, grinning.
That too! She baps at your side rapidly with her paws, mock-blows that you don't even try to fend off. Speaking of, I wonder what the slugcats are like in The Saviour's clowder? Think The Little or The Gull will let me in on their gossip?
I dunno about The Gull, but I think The Little would just wink at you and say something about patient confidence or whatever.
Bah! They're no fun. The Broken pouts over-dramatically. What's that got to do with someone's confidence?
I wonder about what the slugcats there are like too, though! You add. You think it'd be interesting to go with The Little, if they ever visit again... You like meeting new people, and you think that would be cool. Maybe you wouldn't like meeting The Shining, but still. Have you noticed that The Gull talks like Bouncy? With all the "sir"s and "ma'am"s and stuff.
I don't talk to The Bouncy, remember? She reminds you, nudging you and rolling her eyes. I dunno why you do talk to him, honestly, but I guess I don't care so long as you're not gonna make me hang out with him. If they talk like each other, I guess he's also from that clowder? Eesh, imagine a clowder of Bouncys...
Aw, don't be mean! You nudge her back with a laugh. That would be pretty dry though... Especially 'cause Storm's mentioned he's eased up on how stiff he is.
Oh skies, he used to be worse?! She cries in dismay. I'm lucky I wasn't in the clowder for that then, 'cause I don't even wanna know how much of a stick in the mud he was. I think I would have turned around and marched back out.
And then you'd have never met me!
Yeah, She agrees, voice turning a little more serious. Then I wouldn't have got to meet you.
And it'd have all been Bouncy's fault, The Broken concludes, with a firm nod. And that's why I don't like him.
Because of something he never did? You ask, raising a brow.
Because he's just that much of a pain in the pouch! She retorts. Or was, whatever. Honestly, I hope The Gull is better than him with that. I haven't talked to her much but she hasn't ever scolded me for not sitting up straight or something.
Hmm, yeah! I guess you'll get to know her better, too, when you finally get to start training with her.
Your conversation with The Broken continues, but it wanders off to more meaningless topics - stories that The Storm has been telling you and the rest of slugpups recently, not all of them about The Stone, or more guessing about when the new-graduates are going to finally confess, and other such things.
It's nice, to be able to just have some chatting time with her. It does make you feel warm inside that all she called you over for was to talk to you about anything.
⊗ ask Papa what's a matterbaby. But with that specific wording

You barrel into your father at full force, tackling him with all the weight your growing body can slam him with - which must be starting to get a lot, because he makes an oof sound as you collide with his leg and tilts over, sitting down awkwardly on his own tail to stop himself from falling to the ground.
Hi Papa!!!!!!!!!!!! You wiggle around against him, writhing like a ferret as you climb up him. He laughs and mock-fends you off with his forearms, imitating shrieks of terror as you gnash your teeth and squeak a growl, biting at his arms.
Hello, my darling, The Pale says, peeking under his raised paws at you. To what do I owe the pleasure of this sudden and extremely violent attack? Your little brother is watching, you know. This level of bloodcurdling brutality surely isn't suited for his little eyes!
The Light, who is indeed watching the both of you with big eyes, chooses that as his cue to join in.
I'll save you, Papa! He cries, running up behind you to grab your tail. He lifts it up to his mouth and then chomps down, hard.
Ow! You complain, wiggling it in his clumsy grip. You got teeth now, you know!! That hurts!
Thank you, my little saviour, Your father says good-naturedly, leaning over you to grab The Light and settle him in his lap. Do let go of your sibling now, that's a dear. She wasn't biting me so hard, you see? Gentle teeth, that's it.
Your little brother, who was experimentally putting his own mouth on The Pale's arm, lets go with a wet sound and looks proud of himself. You eye the damp patch on your dad's arm and think about how he's lucky that you don't drool over everything, or all his fur would be wet.
Hi Papa, You say to him again.
Hello, Winged, He says, amused. Was there anything you wanted to tell me, or did you just want to hang out with your papa?
I wanted to ask! You place your paws on his leg and lean closer to his lap, looking up at him with big eyes. What's a matterbaby?
He clearly finds this very cute, and scoops you up in the air, lifting you to eye level before hugging you close and snuggling you. Aw, nothing much, baby!! What's a matter with you?
You squeal because his chest is wet with milk, and your little brother makes a disgruntled squeak because the way The Pale is hugging you is squishing you down on him.
The Pale lets you go to satisfy both of your complaints, but the damage is done - The Light's head fur is ruffled like he just rolled out of the nest, and your pelt is now all milky. Yuck!
You set to work starting to groom it off the parts of your arms you can reach. The New Sun said it's some kinda joke. Is that what the joke is?
Yup, that's right! Your father helps you by licking the top of your now-wet head. Someone will mention a "matterbaby", and then you're meant to ask what that is. Because it sounds like someone asking what's the matter, and then calling you baby.
Ohhhhhh, okay. You feel wiser in the world now that he's explained this to you. Thanks Papa! That's all I wanted to ask.
Well, while you're here, did you want to hear the story I was going to tell The Light? He offers you, finally yanking his tail out from under him to sweep the ground invitingly beside him.
What kinda story is it?
Not a Stone one, I'm afraid! The Pale laughs. I know, The Light was disappointed about that too. Sadly, for those I think The Storm knows better than me. I do have this story my own parents passed to me, though - it was my absolute favourite as a pup myself, so I always remembered it, more than any other one they told me.
Hmmmm. You fold your arms, thoughtful, but decide that you do want to hear a story told by your dad - especially if he loved it when he was your age. You sit down with a plop in front of him. Okay, I wanna hear it!
He smiles down at you both. Alright then, children. Let me see...
Once, cycles past, there was a slugcat - as there always is. This particular slugcat lived up in a mountain - or, perhaps, this wasn't their home, and they had just decided to travel there? Such explorers exist, you know!
What was their title? Um... Well, we don't really have their title in the story here. You want me to call them The Stone? Ah, well, it isn't going to be them... Aw, baby, don't look so down. How about I name them something similar? Let's see... The Pebble! Maybe they're The Stone's child? Yes? Okay, let's say that's who it is.
The Pebble is climbing up a mountain. It's been a very tough climb, you can imagine, and it hasn't been easy. At the very top of that mountain, they find there's a shelter - one that you slide in from the top, but far bigger than any they've ever seen before. Yes, even bigger than ours!
There's a strange creature in this shelter, chained to the wall. The Pebble might be wary, because something bound is something trapped, and trapped things are so scared that they can be dangerous. But the trapped creature - let's call them The Prisoner - doesn't lash out! Instead, they give The Pebble many gifts. Some kind of knowledge, I remember? Some information, some wisdom? Food too, and shelter. The Pebble explores the inside of the mountain, and find many more strange creatures. All different from The Prisoner, but all just as kind.
It's not without danger, but nothing in our world's going to be totally safe. If you're careful, and smart, and you don't put your paws into things your nose is telling you is trouble, then you won't come to any harm in this strange realm.
The Pebble is happy there with their new friends, but it is a strange place. This mountain is rancid. It smells of age, of weariness, of things left in the water too long. That's no place for anyone to live their life. That's what The Pebble realises, as they explore the caves - why must The Prisoner and the other creatures be locked away here?
It's unjust! It's unfair! The Pebble is determined to bring them to freedom. Even if the others have never been outside, they can show them the way. It's only right, after they showed them such kindness. Even if they hadn't, it still wouldn't have been fair - what wrong could they have done, to be bound and shackled to these dark walls? Such trapped animals deserve to see the sky.
The Pebble thinks hard, day after day. They plot and they plan, and they eventually figure out a way to break The Prisoner's bindings. When they do, The Prisoner falls unconscious - they're heavy, too heavy, so The Pebble asks their other friends for help.
But... To their surprise, when they try to speak to them, The Pebble is attacked! Who they thought were fellow prisoners were fake-friendly captors. Now that The Pebble has shown they're smart enough to free the one they're guarding, they turn hostile.
The Pebble fights to bring their friend out of the mountain. It's hard, and they're so heavy, but if they can go down from inside, if they drag them through the bowels of this cage... This is their only chance, and The Pebble refuses to let them be The Prisoner any longer!
With the monsters chasing them, The Pebble stumbles for the exit. They're so close, they can't stop now, they can't turn around. They have to keep going, no matter what. Even when a spear flies forwards into their leg, they refuse to stop. They keep dragging both of them forwards.
They make it outside, and they finally fall, too tired to get any further, still clutching The Freed's paw.
When my friend wakes up, The Pebble thinks, fading fast. They can finally see the sky.
The next time The Pebble opens their eyes, they're a pup again. But The Pebble knows that despite everything it cost them, they did the right thing. They freed their friend from the mountain.
The Light's eyes are wide. Why were the others pretending to be their friend? That's so mean!
How'd they become a pup? You ask, confused.
There was a cycle, Your father explains. If you died, you would come back to life again, so passing wasn't so bad. So The Pebble came back to life.
You feel comforted by this, because the ending sounded really sad to you before this. So they can meet The Freed again...
I'm sure they probably could, He says soothingly, putting a paw on both of your heads. Sometimes people will be very mean and you won't be sure why. And you don't have to like them or be nice to them for it! Sometimes people who were nice to you will turn out to be not nice too, and you might not ever know why.
I think in this story, they were angry because The Pebble did something they didn't expect. The Pebble didn't want to just sit there and let a bad thing keep happening, and their other "friends" didn't like that. But it's important, sometimes, to do things that are right even if people around you don't agree.
That's always what I took from the story, anyway.
You look up at The Pale and nod, thoughtful. This does make a lot of sense to you, and it feels like an important story, because your dad liked it so much.
You wonder what kind of things he's done when he was younger? Was it anything like this?