⊗ let's check on the moon, too!
⊗ Let's check on the Moon! Maybe he'll know where their sibling is?
⊗ first check on the moon and ask what's wrong and if he's seen the singer!

Someone in need of a healer? Well, that's your cue then! You rush over to the pup's side as soon as you realise it's yowling, crouching down and bending over it. You place your paw on them with a gentle touch, trying to copy how you remember The Little touched your fur, and begin smoothing against them, to see what's hurt them.
If anything is out of place, or anything makes them react especially, then that means it's where they're hurt. You guess you can go from there after that, since you dunno how many injuries you're good at healing yet - it is your first month in proper training, after all - but you also think that it probably can't be so bad, because they're just a pup. You bet it'll be a scratch or a bruise or something, and you can patch it up easy with a kiss and a pat.
As you try to check them over for the injuries, The Moon decides to make things difficult and tries in turn to crawl onto your lap.
You have pretty eyes! He squeaks, looking up at you, before continuing to climb over you to where they've decided they want to be.
They snuggle down so sweetly into your arms, pressing their head against your chest fur and purring up a storm as they try to suckle at you. You, obviously, have nothing there except the now-damp patch of fur from their spit.
Ewww, You complain, though not with much heat. You keep turning his little body around, pressing and poking carefully, but their purring doesn't even falter, let alone break rhythm.
Are you… Actually hurt? You ask The Moon.
Naw, They reply, content.
Uh, why were you yelling in the middle of the clearing?
I wanted someone to pay attention to me! You did! So I'm happy.
Hah! Your father says, clearly having heard at least some of this exchange. With your mother's arm around his waist, they both wander closer to join in on your talk.
Oh, Winged, I remember when you did this, The Silky comments, eyes glimmering with amusement. The amount of times you scared us half to death… We'd come charging over thinking you had hurt yourself badly, but then you would hug us and start purring!
But sometimes you actually hurt yourself, so we always had to be on our toes, The Pale nods. Even if you hadn't, we'd always want to be sure you hadn't hurt yourself... So, I suppose, the trick keeps working for naughty babies!
Now it's my turn to get pranked, I guess, You concede, with a chuckle and a sigh. You suppose that's only fair when you apparently made it your own personal mission to scare the other slugcats when you were this old… But you didn't know being on the end would be like this, either!
You poke The Moon's cheek, dislodging their mouth from your fur, and they squeak cheerfully in response to it. Hey, chubby. Do you know where your sibling is?
The Singer? He tilts his head at you, a little thoughtful. No, I was playing with The Light and The Spark. I dunno where they went.
Hm, Your father says, looking over across the clearing and seeming troubled. Yes, that would explain the calls The Rust has started putting out right now, and his distress.
We had only just returned from a walk when we saw you talking, and we didn't notice any wayward pups then, The Silky notes. They're only a month old, so they can't have gone too far.
There's some patrols out, and I'll ask everyone to sweep the camp, too. If he's not there, I'll take someone to look outside it again.
I'll check all the nooks and crannies pups love to vanish into around here, The Silky agrees. Let us hope they didn't happen to discover another new one no pup before them did...
Your parents turn away in a hurry, all business as they conduct the age-old ritual of hunting down naughty pups. You think you should probably help too, though you're not really sure how… Maybe while your parents are organising patrols, you can try to figure out who's last seen them?
First things first, of course, being their brother.
Well, when'd you last see 'em? D'you remember that?
Oh, ya! The Moon brightens - literally too, you could almost swear, the back markings on him seeming to reflect a little more on your fur. This morning when I woke up, they were already up too. He was already playing, so I started playing with him. He chased my tail and then I chased his tail and I bit them but not too hard 'cause Mumma says I can't bite too hard, that's for when someone hurts me for real.
Then we got bored 'cause we always chase each others' tails, and we went to say hi to Spark and Light who said they'd been awake even longer than we'd been!! And then Light said he made up a new story so I asked what the story was, he said he made it up with Spark. So he started telling me about his story about a bug, he said it was a beel but I dunno what that is. Spark started telling me about how the beel could fight really good and had a little pointy spear made out of a splinter, cos splinters HURT.
Then we started playing because I wanted to pretend to be a bug, and we made up a story together about bugs that go exploring together to look for stuff, and we had three bugs so I guess Singer wasn't there anymore but I dunno. I think we made a bug that sang so maybe they were still there?
You're impressed! You haven't heard that story from your siblings yet, and it sounds like it'll be really good to listen to. You know The Light has been true to his word and hasn't brought up The Stone again around Spark, though you also know from what he's told you that he misses thinking about them. You've tried retelling him the stories you can remember when he asks, but he never seems quite satisfied with that.
You also know he still really wants to meet a scavenger. Are there any around here? Maybe he'll see one when he's an apprentice too?
But that's not related to the point! The point being to find The Singer. Which you definitely didn't get distracted about. You'd never do that.
'Kay, thanks Moon. That was helpful, 'cause The Rust is looking for them - I think you might have given me an important clue for where they went off to! You give them an affectionate lick on the head and set them back down on their feet.
Wow! They went missing... And I helped with a real life clue. The Moon widens their eyes and looks up at you. Can I help look for them?
Sure! My Papa said it's going to ask people to look around the camp, and my Mama said she's looking for any places pups like hiding. Maybe you can help find him like that?
Okay! Thankyou Winged! He says it quickly without taking a breath, which he does a lot now that you think about it, and turns tail to run off.
You nod to yourself, satisfied. The pup gets to help search and hopefully they don't also wander off looking for their sibling! It's a win / win. Now you just gotta go start looking for the Singer yourself. Where to start..?
⊗ huh.... where IS the singer? let's look for them!

Have you found The Singer yet, Rust? You check in with him as you approach, trying to figure out where everyone has already looked in. If they've already looked, you looking probably won't help too much, right?
What do you think? The Rust asks, acidic. This is a lot grumpier than he usually is to you, but you guess you should have expected this because his pup is currently missing. It doesn't hurt your feelings less, though.
You wince in acknowledgement and scamper away from him again. Sometimes you forget that when you were younger you thought he was kind of scary, but him snapping at you like that has definitely reminded you. You didn't want to talk to him for a while because you knew your parents didn't like him, of course, but there was also this element to it as well.
⊗ try looking for singer in the shelter? you know there's all kinds of spots pups can squeeze into there!
You guess you're still the youngest slugcat that's not a pup, so you must remember all the spots pups like to hide in best, though. Everyone must have started with the shelter, but you try checking there too - sniffing around for hints of The Singer's scent as you make your way across everyone's nests, nose twitching intently.
You look around for the small, pup-sized pipes out of the shelter you recall - and then keep looking, trying to see pup-sized ones you never used or really looked at. You're no queen nor pup anymore though, and you're not small enough to try them anymore - though you find a pipe at a concerningly high level, where you can barely reach it even now, that looks like it could let a pup out somewhere, you're not actually sure if they could fit in, or if it's just a dead end or not.
It probably has to be a dead end, right? Otherwise how does the shelter not flood every time the rain thunders down, if there's a hole?
You join the other slugcats outside in the camp and resume your search, checking likely hiding spots you'd use in the bushes and under the grass stalks to find little trace of the wayward menace.
It's as your parents are starting to discuss leading another group out to look in earnest, that maybe something had carried The Singer further than he could have gone himself, if he'd gotten out on his own, when you hear the rustle of pawsteps approaching, and the greeting trill of a returning patrol.
Someone looking for their missing pup? The Wind hollers.
It's not her that emerges first, though, but The Gull with The Singer in her arms.
Both of them are soaked, trailing wet pawprints behind them as they trudge in. The Gull's fur isn't long enough to noticeably plaster down, but the weight of the water on each strand still makes her look bedraggled, like she fought a thorn bush and the thorn bush won.
No idea how they got out, sir, The Gull says, flicking her ears as she holds the pup out to The Rust by the scruff. But I found your little scamp in the river flowing downstream while we were returning from patrol.
I'm sorry, Daddy, The Singer says, earnest and damp. I wanted to look outside. I didn't know there was water outside of camp…
You think you might know where The Singer came from now - there's a small body of water not far from the outskirts of camp to the opposite side of the entrance everyone comes in from, which now that you're all grown up you can easily go to and get a drink of delicious, fresh water. You can see the back of the shelter's long wall from it, since it doesn't lead out to camp, but you just aren't sure how he could have gotten out that way.
You guess it makes sense that the lake is connected to a river, because you're pretty sure that water gets yucky if you leave it out by itself for too long.
You've heard before from your mother than pups at a month old just don't have the body strength or power to easily sneak out from camp, because they're too easily tired or clumsy to not be noticed most of the time even if they try it - they've usually just left the nursery, so they just haven't exercised their little bodies enough to have that energy.
But if The Singer really did go that way, somehow, and managed to fall into the water where a current could carry them, you guess they could have gotten a lot further than that.
You were lucky that The Gull and her patrol was there to save you, The Rust says severely, taking them from the apprentice. He cuddles his pup close to his chest and grooms them with a protective ferocity, purring despite his stern tone. You could have drowned in there, you know that? What would you have done once you'd gotten tired, hm?
I woulda been fine, The Singer grumbles, but there's none of their usual resistance and shoving at The Rust's face or chest to pretend they don't want his affection.
You fell in. Even an adult gets tired fighting currents. You barely started walking out of the nursery and you do this! To your father's old heart!
There's a reason we don't let little pups outside; it's far too dangerous. Your fierce little spirit can't fight how the world works. There, see those scratches you got? Much worse things could have happened. Thank you very much for this, Gull. Singer, say thank you to Gull as well for getting you out of there.
Thank you, Gull. The Singer looks up at her with shining eyes.
She flicks her tail dismissively and bobs her head. Just part of my duty of course, sir. Hopefully this doesn't happen again.
The Singer's expression is a rare one for him, of awe and wonder, staring admiringly at her as they cling to their father. They're pressing their wet little body close to him, so you're sure he was a lot more shaken than he's letting on.
As you step in closer just to help inspect his scratches and make sure they'll be fine, you think that she just might have found herself a new fan. You're glad she's finding people that like her here.
⊗ let's go talk to the amber!
⊗ oh sunbathing! that sunlight looks so comfy... so cosy... and you are still just a sleepy little guy...

After all the excitement of having your first patrol, you ARE feeling pretty sleepy. Having a nice sun bath [actually, what is a sun?] with some calmer, quieter grown ups will definitely help you chill out, and maybe you'll take a nap after that!
As you trot closer to where The Amber is lounging on top of the warm black metal with The Whistler, you realise that where she is relaxed on her back, they're crouched on their stomach focused on something. While you watch, they slide closer, paw by careful paw... Are they hunting something?
But when you look, you only see a leaf. You guess they're just playing?
The Winged, The Amber greets, lifting her tail tip lazily in greeting. Good of you to come over. Why don't you join us?
The Whistler turns around at her rumble, perking their ears at you in their own greeting. Their jaw is still damaged even now, so the audible part is still something they've had to leave off, but otherwise communication has been better since they can emote with their body. They were pretty curled up in pain when you first met them, so it had been vocalisation or not much else, but now it's a lot clearer to talk with them!
Hi Winged! They wave to you. There's a slugcat I wanted to see, I had just been thinking of asking you something.
Hi Amber, Whistler, You wave back, putting your paws on the platform that's in the camp clearing to climb up it more easily. Oh, it really is so comfortable and warm... What did you want to ask?
Does pain really always have to hurt this much? The Whistler asks petulantly. You're the one training to be a healer, so I figured you'd know. You'd think making things ouchie is something our bodies wouldn't want to do.
Well, The Little says that our bodies do it as a warning sign, You say, thoughtful. You're pretty sure they don't mean the question seriously, but you also do feel like it's one to think about! Pain sucks pretty bad, after all. So we know from our bodies not to touch that place, or that something's gone wrong.
Yeah, but! They wag their tail and sigh, weaving their head from side to side in annoyance. It's been months, and my jaw still hurts! I know you've both been still looking at it and it's healing alright, but it sucks.
That's healing for you, The Amber comments, unsympathetic - but her ears are twitching with amusement. They've been on much the same topic to me; not that I have such a twisted jaw, but one can only assume such thick muscle will heal slowly.
Though I assure you, I did not call you over for The Whistler to interrogate you with such philosophical questions.
She should have, They nod with a playful huff.
And yet I did not. One must simply chalk it up to my cruelty, I suppose, She retorts, dry. I was actually looking to speak with you about my Moon, Winged.
You look up from ensuring your tummy and chest are stretched out to maximum length on the metal to soak up as much warmth as possible, tilting your ears at her. Oh, no! Is there something wrong with him after all?
You'd hate to miss something like that! You really hope you just starting training wouldn't make you mess up so bad…
Oh, no. She flicks her paw in dismissal. Nothing like that. They are perfectly hale and hearty. I simply had heard that while I was taking a walk, you had come to check in on their crying out. I wanted to state that I appreciated your care in making sure The Moon was alright, even if in the end they simply were pining for a bit more attention from everyone. So, thank you.
Oh, that's alright! You wag your tail a little, happy by this turn of events. When I was a pup —
Hehe, like you're not one now, The Whistler giggles, then winces in pain. Laughing still isn't great for their jaw, what with all the jolting.
— I did the same thing all the time, or at least that's what my parents told me! You tap your paw to your cheek. To be honest, I don't really remember.
Oh, I recall that as well, The Amber says, still amused. The wailing you would start up when you thought everyone had not given you enough attention! It is rather endearing that you two have this similarity. I can only hope they'll grow up into as conscientious and caring a young slugcat as you are now.
You groom your hands over your face, feeling a strangely different kind of pleased by this compliment. You're not exactly embarrassed, or shy you think, but you just want to cover your face a little at that kind of praise. The Amber thinks you've grown up into a nice young slugcat! That's something that makes your ears feel warm.
It's really nice of you to say, Amber. Thank you! You smile at her. She doesn't smile back the same way, but her eyes crinkle a little in the corners, so you think that's her kind of smile regardless.
I heard you had your first patrol out recently, She says, switching to a different topic now. You think that's all she'd wanted to say to you when she asked you to come over. What was that like?
Oh, well! You think about it, and immediately decide not to tell her about the incident with the rock. It was kinda scary, because we saw a lizard, but it's okay because it didn't hurt anyone. Oh, but I guess it hurt The New Sun's ear, so that's a little ouch, but other than that nothing too bad happened.
What colour was it? She asks, immediately alert. If it's orange, it must be that lone pack one. We haven't seen it around again, but lizards always have dens and territories they roam. If it came here, it must have claimed some place close enough to count ours in its territory. It won't be a peaceful time for us until it's driven out or killed, but that isn't easy either.
Um, it was a blue one. You had forgotten about that pack lizard - now that she talks about it, you remember hearing other people mention that's why your father had wanted everyone to go on patrol at least two at a time. Does that mean we have two lizards in our territory now?
She shows her teeth a little, displeased. Unfortunately, that will be exactly what it means. Depending on what kind of blue it is, it could be a minor nuisance or quite the threat to our safety. A leap lizard can fling itself amongst a patrol and snatch up the one it's picked as its prey, and one must hope we all have spears then.
That sounds even scarier than the one you saw. Uhhh, I think it's not that one. Everyone said the one we had was one of the weakest lizards, so we could even try to hunt it ourselves if we had the stuff.
The Amber relaxes. Then it's a wall lizard. Yes, those are one of the lizards we slugcats can most safely look down our snouts at, though of course they will still pose a danger to us if their chance arises. They are still more our predator than we theirs, after all. Of course, even the largest killer still has their meat ripped away in the end, so one must remember that there's never no chance for survival, no matter how slim. When the time comes, always fight back.
You nod, now feeling a little grim again. The Amber talking about this kind of serious stuff is pretty normal for her, so you guess you should have expected this. Still, thinking about predators hunting you isn't very fun... And it makes you think, again, about your first loss. How many more might happen in your life?
The Whistler snaps you out of those thoughts with an impressed whistling sound. You clowder slugcats can hunt lizards? I mean, I've heard of some slugcats hunting lizards alone, but that was slugcats scarred by fighting all kinds of stuff, you know? I don't think anyone here is exactly that kind of type, no offence meant.
None taken, The Amber says, deadpan. Considering your little incident with The Shining, I'm sure you've seen more than your fair share of that kind of slugcat, in any case. The more large and well-muscled aren't always a boon.
They trill out the beginnings of a laugh before stopping themself. Oh, you could certainly say that again. Being a loner myself all my life, and having not seen too much of clowders before all of this except for theirs up the hill, I do have to say it's been real interesting joining one. Much more relaxed here too, which was always my problem with that Saviour's. Respect where respect is due, I just don't see myself bowing like that to anyone, you know?
No, I quite understand, She reassures them. In fact, I was a loner when I came to this clowder as well. It's been much less lonesome, it has to be said.
Is that so?! I never would have guessed, you're so at home here. Oh, you'll have to tell me more about what the differences have been like then!
You rest your head on your paws and slit your eyes, letting the conversation roll over your ears like wind brushing your fur. It's very nice to be able to just lie here, listening to your clowder members. You were born here, so of course you don't know anything about what it's like to live alone - but it lets you learn a little more, just listening.
And of course, you really are very comfortable here. So maybe it's not such a surprise when the murmurs and motions of their exchange eventually...
Lull you into...