⊗ let's learn how to do a backflip!!!

Yes! You remember trying and not quite managing being able to pull it off before... You were so close, surely you could do it if you did some practice, or better yet got someone to help you!
But, you wonder, who would be the best at being able to teach you a backflip...?
Your parents come to mind first, but you remember that The Little said that they need to be careful and not strain themselves. Backflipping probably counts as strain since it's a little hard to do, and you'd be curving your whole body... What if that strained them and they started bleeding?? You don't want that to happen!
Then, who else?
The Wind is fast, like she said her title was for, but you don't know if she's all that good at flipping around quickly. You've never seen her train because they don't usually use the clearing everyone else is in, just in case anyone gets knocked over or kicked.
The Wild is always sleeping all the time, so you think he's probably not any good at it. The Storm and The Bouncy aren't really trained for it, so you're not sure if they can do it or not... The Little has that same question - they've been learning other things, so you don't know if they also learnt something like backflipping! You're not sure anyone can fit all those things in their head at once!
The Broken hasn't been trained yet, just like you, so she probably wouldn't be able to help you.
The elders might have a hard time making a move like that, because they're all creaky now.
The Amber is still out, as is The Untouched - you wonder why The Wind is here, but not them?
You know The Olive is smart, and The New Sun is good at tracking, but...
This is really tough! You swing your tail around, a bit frustrated. That's already everyone in the clowder, so no one has stood out very much for your purposes. The older slugpups seem to be the best choices, but you don't really know which of them would know acrobatics best.
Since The New Sun is close with The Wind and The Untouched, she might know that about them? You could talk to The Wind, but she looks really tense right now, so you think maybe you shouldn't ask her for help right now anyways.
So decided, you nod firmly and hop into motion, beelining for where The Sun is sitting instead. It notices your approach and gives you a glance, but it's hard for you to read what its emotion might be with it. It doesn't say anything, though it does give you a nod - this doesn't bother you, because you already know she's the quiet type.
Do you know who's the best at doing backflips in the clowder? You ask her.
She seems surprised and a little confused at this question, but rallies to answer for you regardless. Um. The Wind has good speed... She can build up to it fastest. The Untouched knows when to use it to avoid hits best. The Bouncy can flip into it faster. We've all learnt how to do it, The Olive said I did fine. It depends what you want the backflips to be "best" at, I suppose...?
Wow! There is a lot more to being good at backflips than you thought. When to use it, how fast before you can do it...You never thought of any of that. You'll get taught it when you're a teen no matter what you guess, if even The Bouncy knows how, but you want to do it NOW!
I want to learn how to do a backflip! I wanna be able to do one.
Oh, well. One of the adults might be able to help? They already taught us too, so they would know how to teach you.
But you said The Wind was the fastest! And The Untouched dodges better!
The Sun shakes their head. Teaching is a different skill than being good at it. Plus, I only know what my friends are good at. The adults are better than us with execution because they're already all trained.
This conversation is giving you a lot to think about. Now you have to digest the idea that the adults are better at it than them, but The Sun doesn't know which ones are the best of them... But even if they're good at backflips, they might not be able to teach you well?? Maybe you should ask your parents who's the best at backflipping after all... Or teaching.
You think your mama is pretty good at teaching, but that's not helpful because you still can't ask her to teach you to backflip in case she hurts herself while showing you the trick!!!
This is a lot harder than I thought. You complain to The Sun.
Yeah. A lot of things are that way.
You waggle your tail, disheartened. She tilts her head, and seems about to say something more, but both of you turn to look when you hear the scraping, dragging step of The Old Sun approaching.
Hello, Nana.
Hullo, Sunshine. The old slugcat pulls her grandchild to her chest and settles down into a loaf position, swiping her tongue over New Sun's forehead. Hello, Winged.
Hi, Old Sun! You don't know her very well, but she's always been nice to you. Sometimes while you're wandering around camp, she'll invite you over to tell you a small story about when she was young, and you'll hear about what it was like to be a lone slugcat with just your family to live with. It's much nicer in a clowder, you think.
You certainly like her a lot more than The Rust - he's always been a bit cranky and snippy, so you would rather avoid him already. But... Though you're not sure why, you've noticed that, though he speaks to and treats The Rust quite normally, your father doesn't like him. There's always fur prickling at the name of The Pale's neck when he's talking to him, or about him.
You went out with your mentor today, if I call. Old Sun rumbles. You wander over closer to them and sit down beside them both, curious to hear what the patrol was like too. You've never been on one, after all!
New Sun, her back cushioned by her grandmother's forepaws, swishes her tail in the dirt and closes her eyes, letting Old Sun clean her face properly. Yes. We met a slugcat without a clowder. The Olive invited her to join, but she wasn't interested.
A loner type, or not a fan of this structure of clowder?
The structure. She was considering until she heard more.
Humm. Old Sun rests her chin against her grandpup's chest. To each their own, I suppose. Is it a disinterest in a clowder with a leading figure at all that was to her distaste, I wonder, or the lack of regimented hierarchy this stranger disliked?
The Pale and The Wild are certainly nothing more than guides for us. Suggesting the list so someone always goes gathering food, and others know that they don't need to go at such a time. I think it can be necessary for a larger clowder like this, even if not for a family unit.
I couldn't say, Nana. She seemed aloof. I would have thought her just naturally a loner except she wanted to hear about us.
Of course, of course. Simply an old slugcat's musings. Perhaps I only take interest because of offense that I was in this same situation, but did not turn my nose up at this clowder, hee hee.
Well, you didn't quite learn about how to do a backflip yet after all, but this is interesting to hear about too! There's another slugcat around in the land space of your clowder? You wonder if you'll ever see or meet them yourself.
You can now view the Outside Allegiances page.
Cats who do not reside in the clowder will be placed here. Not all details about them will be available, and some things may need to be discovered throughout the story to be added.
⊗ Find The Bouncy
⊗ Teach the clowder why it's unwise to name your children like this

You find The Bouncy grooming himself alone. He's sitting upright, his hind legs placed primly against the ground and his tail coiled against one leg, instead of the lazy sprawl most other slugcats you've seen would sit while cleaning themselves. His paws carefully comb over his ears, making sure the fluff against them lays flat, then against his face, and his chest. He doesn't pay any attention to you despite your approach, preferring to focus entirely on his task.
That's just fine for you, because you don't need his attention for your plans...! Though, he is a lot taller than you are, so him sitting like this is a little difficult for you. Still, you'll make an effort! Gamely, you grab on to him and begin trying to climb high on him, scaling over his lap and trying to place your paws on his knees.
This, of course, gets his attention.
What are you doing? He tries pushing you away, but you won't be deterred and cling to his arm, attempting to swing over on top of that. Get off, you're getting dirt all over my fur. The fur I JUST cleaned.
You're too tall! I can't reach your head! You wiggle your butt determinedly, trying to properly climb up his shoulders.
Look, I'll bend down if you stop trying to climb me, how's that? He keeps trying to pull you away from him - at these words, you stop fighting him and allow yourself to dangle limply in his grasp.
He huffs and sets you back down on the ground, grumbling as he brushes himself off. I have pale and white fur, do you know how hard that is to clean? Look, I have your paw prints all over me now.
He lashes his tail a little, before placing his forepaws on the ground and lowering himself down to your level, so that you have to tilt your own head down while standing to make eye contact with him. There. Why did you want to reach my head, anyway?
Instead of answering verbally to this, you immediately slap a paw on top of his head. Then your other paw, and you start drumming on him energetically. Each contact makes a bap sound that delights you and makes you want to drum more.
Ow! Hey! What are you doing? He starts moving away, so you take the opportunity to drum faster.
You're The Bouncy! I want to bounce you like a ball!
He sits back upright, shaking his head to clear it from your strong paws and flattening his ears in disapproval. That isn't what my title was given to me for. Besides, pups shouldn't be treating their elders like this. Playing is one thing, but it's disrespectful to behave this way.
You weren't very nice to me before either! You retort, pouting at him.
What, when you were talking about your plans? He flicks his tail. I'm not saying your plans are bad. I was just busy training. I didn't have time to play with you. The others should have been training as well, I don't know why they were even entertaining the idea of goofing off with you - especially since they have so much more to learn.
Playing is all well and good, but you have a lot of time to do it because you're young and nothing is expected from you yet. You don't have any duties; meanwhile, I had to do a lot of learning. And you might be thinking, what about The Olive? But as for her, pah. She may be a full blooded graduate, but she might as well take up more training while she's at it. She should have been delayed, not graduated early; she certainly never takes procedure seriously.
You keep frowning at him, and he sighs. Look, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I do have more time now, I was just, really busy last month. There was a lot of pressure on me, I needed to be sure I'd know enough to be able to be a true mediator.
I don't know if you understand just yet, but you're the firstborn offspring of the leader. If not now, you'll get it when you're older. And hey, if you really want to talk about the plan now, I'll listen.
No, I changed it now. You say, just a touch sulkily. You don't have to listen anymore.
Now it's his turn to frown. Don't be like that, I didn't hurt you on purpose.
You shake your head, huffing. No, it's a surprise now. I bet you'll like it too, so I can't tell you.
He relaxes, just a little. Oh? A surprise for us? Well, that's cute of you to plan. I won't pry anymore then, but if you need any help for something in it, just tell me.
You give him a dubious look, and he holds out a paw to you. I promise I won't snap, okay? If I'm busy, I'll just tell you to come back later. You tag after The Little a lot, I'm sure he's said similar things to you.
The Little has never snapped at you in the first place though, you think. Still, you reach out and hold the paw he's offering. The Storm said he isn't always so bad, and he really isn't being as cross right now...
Okay, but you have to double paw promise. You say, finally. And if you lie, I'll never trust you again. And I won't wanna talk to you ever.
I double paw promise. He says, solemn. I don't want you to hate me, Winged. I know I've made enough enemies as it is.
What's with the surprised look? Of course I know The Broken already hates me, and I know the apprentices only tolerate me. I am a mediator after all, it's my job to notice these things. I realise I've been breaking a lot of shelters just by dint of how I am, and there's only so many of those to go around in the clowder.
So yeah. He waggles his ears, a little awkward, a little embarrassed. If you're okay enough with me to come find me, I guess I want to make sure you keep looking for me.
This makes sense to you. You feel a little bad for The Bouncy, again. You're not sure you want to immediately jump into saying you'll be his friend either, but...
Okay. I still don't really like you, but I don't wanna not like you. You say, finally. So please be nice.
He nods, very seriously. You really do hope you can be friends with him.
⊗ Let's scout around the clowder and look for rations!!! And let's look for weapons we can sneak out, too!

That's right - The Broken is storing something yummy in her pouch, so you should do the same! That way, you don't have to eat her snack, and that'll be even more food for the both of you! It'll be an important part of preparation, so that's probably why she told you to do it.
Of course, all the food is in the food pile! So with determination in your step, you head for the shelter, and the store of food the clowder has. You try to think about what to look for, and decide that it has to be your favourite - or at least, one of your favourites. You really like dandelion peaches, but you know there's none here.
You consider the food pile with much contemplation. Batflies of course are tasty too, but for some reason they're never added to the food pile - you think it's something about how it's hard to store? You don't understand why, though. There is jellyfish here, and you like that fine... Slime mold, blue fruit... Bubble fruit is here, but it's still dry and you don't know if there will be enough water to wet it where you're going.
You don't like it that much anyway, and you want one you really like the taste of!
Eventually, you decide on the jellyfish. It is tasty after all, and you like the way it comes apart between your teeth as you chew. You spit out whatever you had in your pouch before - a rock of some kind? You don't really remember swallowing it at all, but maybe it was an important rock! - and then grab the jellyfish, gulping it down.
This task satisfied, you think about weapons. You've never really been able to find any, though you've never tried searching hard before - now that you do, though, you still don't come up with much.
There are spears in the shelter, but they're embedded in the wall; too high for you, and even when you can grab one that's juuust low enough and climb up it, no matter how much you strain and push with your legs against the wall, you just can't budge it. That's not even including the part where your mother, still in the nursery, notices you near them and looks at you, which makes you squeal and run away.
So there's not really weapons for you, and you definitely know that the adults will ask questions if you ask about what kind the clowder has. If you were just curious, then you would probably ask anyway! But you want to bring the weapons out, so you guess it's better to not ask.
Just as you've emerged, blinking, back into the light of camp, and begun looking around to see if there's anything anywhere else you could use as a weapon, you hear a hubbub of voices, as well as the piercing call of a slugcat.
You look, and The Wind is rushing forwards from where she's been pacing since you noticed her back. She's throwing her arms around The Untouched, and squeezing him tight - he hugs her back just as tightly, burying his face against the back of her shoulder. She drags him with her, closer to The Amber, and rests her forehead against her mentor's leg. The Amber lays a paw on the back of her head, and keeps it there. The Wind lets out the low chirp of distress, mingled with relief now, her tail flat against the ground and her ears pressed back.
The Wild, for his part, is already coming forwards before your father can do more than poke his head out from behind you in the entrance.
Amber, good to see you and Untouched unhurt. Status report? The Wild is already calling out to her, ears perked and alert. The Wind said you'd been split up by a lizard, but she wasn't sure what kind.
A pack one. The same I saw last month. The Amber is frowning, her own tail raised up and slowly lashing. It was a dark orange, with long horns. We failed to spot any others. It got in between us, so we had to run. It separated us from The Wind. I ensured it was chasing me. Lucky skies, that she did not run into any others.
I thought you died, The Wind is saying to The Untouched. I thought maybe the lizard got you both, when I stopped running. When I turned back at camp and you weren't with me. When you didn't show up.
I thought YOU died, He says back, choked. The Amber said you had to be fine, but I heard her say it was a pack lizard. I was so worried you ran into the rest of the pack.
Due to the direction we were pursued in, we were heading to the outside of the territory. Thus the long return trip. Especially as we were taking covert routes, to ensure we wouldn't be in the open. The Amber continues to The Wild. We lost it there, but I'm not convinced that it would have left our boundaries. Especially now that it's positive there are slugcats here.
The Wild flattens his ears. That's bad news, alright. We'll have to make sure no one leaves alone, and for each patrol to have at least one item to prepare.
One spear for each patrol, The Pale agrees, finally having padded over. We could do with The Little's mushrooms too. If we knew anyone who had or could make grenades...
Yes, go talk to The Little about the mushrooms. The Wild says to him. With a little push of his tail against his, he indicates the shelter to your father. Leave this to me. You have eggs to nest.
Well, how am I supposed to relax with something like this? Your father complains, even as he lets his deputy shepherd him back towards the nursery. I already heard it, you know, it isn't as if I can un-hear it.
Yes, and I know you'd be worrying even more if you didn't know what was going on. The Wild huffs. I'll tell you plans for it later, fluff-fur.
The New Sun has crept over to the other two of her trio, and pushes her head in against them both as well. You inch closer after her, because you know anything you want to hear her say will be so quiet you won't be able to hear it from a further distance.
Sorry for snapping at you before, The Wind says to her as she and The Untouched fold her into their embrace, voice thick. I thought I'd left them to die. I didn't deserve your comfort.
It's okay. The Sun says, quiet. I know that's why you wanted me to leave. But I told you. That wouldn't have been your burden to bear. Surviving isn't a fault.
You're surprised - when you talked to her earlier, The Sun didn't even come across like she was upset at all! Maybe you just don't know how to tell when someone quiet is sad.
Well, it's a good thing that they chased the lizard so far, AND you have Broken with you in the mission - you won't be alone! Everyone in the clowder is distracted now, talking about the patrol's news and plans, so it seems as if it's as perfect a time to head out as any.
You make eye contact with The Broken, who's perched on one of the higher struts, and curve your tail at her. She tilts her head at you, and for a second you think she forgot the signal, but then she nods and beckons you over.
As you come close to her, she huddles close to you.
They're gonna be watching the exit to camp now, you know. She tells you. Because of the lizard. I know a secret way out of camp, though - I used to wander by myself lots, so I found some pipes only pups your size and mine could use. It's low down, so I'm not sure if the grown ups have noticed it.
Do you really want to still do this though? I'm not like, scared or anything, but I wanna make sure you're fine. I'm older than you, you know. I'm supposed to do that. Anyways, where would we be heading for the pearl?
Are you ready?
⊗ Ask the Broken. You want to go, but... You know you can be reckless, so maybe check in first...?

Well.. What do you think? I'm not really scared of anything, you know, I want to try lots of stuff, but maybe that's not always great? I did jump off the shelter, after all.
Now that you're a whole month older, you know that that was a really dumb thing to do! There's no way you could do something like fly, slugcats can't do that! You don't even have real wings.
Who, me? Well of course I think it's a great idea, I've never gotten to sneak out like the older kids did when they were pups you know, and obviously I'm going to tag along with you while you go on yours.
You just keep looking at her, and eventually she lets her ears droop down before hanging her head.
Okay, fine. You want the truth? I don't really know, lizards can be dangerous. And I'm almost an apprentice, you know? I will be next month. Whatever you do, 'cause I'm older, it's probably going to be seen as my fault. I should have stopped you or whatever.
I mean, I'm just some stray they took in and you're their pup. Maybe they'd kick me out or something.
There's no way they'd do that! You protest. They're adults, you're a kid like me! They can't just throw you out.
Well, maybe not. She concedes. But they might not want me to play with you anymore. Maybe they'd think it was my influence, you know. The Broken teaching their pup broken things.
You frown at her. You know there is absolutely no world in which your parents would do that either! You don't know why she thinks they might. But she is right that they'll probably be really worried about you both, and really upset if you leave now... Your dad overthinks a lot, and your mum can be nervous as well.
You're a good kid, so they've never really felt like they needed to keep you in their sight all the time - that's why you get to get up and roam around camp early even when they're sleeping! So if you did leave... They might not want to let you do that anymore. Like your climbing.
⊗ Grab a Rock. A small one so you can throw it and make noises Away From You
Oh, of course! You were so busy thinking about adult weapons, you forgot the easiest weapon everyone can have - even you! As you start searching around the camp grounds for a good, small bit of rubbish that could work, you continue the conversation.
You're not broken. You tell your friend, quite firmly. Is this 'cause of your title? I won't keep calling you that if it hurts.
Shrug. Like I said, I didn't realise there was anything wrong with it until this clowder.
I'll tell my dad. You say, determined. He can change your name NOW, to something nicer, and then if you get known by something else you can get another title. It doesn't have to be a skill. Little was named 'cause he was little. The Suns don't do anything sun-like. The Rust is red as rust.
You don't have to, it's really not such a big deal... She's twitching her tail uneasily, letting it slowly swish back and forth. I'm fine with being The Broken until I become something better. Anyways, that's what you wanted to know. I think it's dangerous, and I've never been far out either, so I'm not sure where we'd go to get to where the pearl is and if there's other ways to go if there's lizards. Where IS it, anyway?
Now it's your turn to shrug. I dunno. I was just going to look until we found it...
The Broken frowns at that.
...If you do go, I'll go with you. So don't leave me behind.
You nod, finally turning to fully face her again with the rock in your paw. It's not that small to you, but it fits in your palm well, so you think you could probably hit something with it! Maybe. You've never tried to do that very much.
⊗ hey kid have you heard of juking
⊗ Before you go, ask someone about the different kinds of lizards and what they can do! Maybe the Storm? It won't seem odd to be curious, and you probably want to know more about what's causing this fuss.
You wonder what juking is; you've never heard of that before, so you're not sure what the word means. You figure that maybe someone like the adults would. The Storm has already been good at answering your questions, and you want to know what lizards are like too - maybe she can tell you via a story!
You flick your tail at The Broken, beckoning her to come with you, and approach The Storm again - of course, considering all the hubbub, she's awake again.
When she sees you two come over, she groans playfully, but willingly sits back up.
Here to wring me out for more information, little brats? The Storm teases. Interrogating me 'til I was tired wasn't good enough for you once?
You're good at story-telling! You reply, promptly. So you're good at knowing stuff and I like hearing it from you.
Khah, flatterer. She laughs. Alright, silver-tongue. What do you want to know now?
What's juking? And what are lizards like? What kind are there? You grab Broken's paw and sit down, already ready for The Storm to start another spiel. You are curious to know more about these lizards which are so scary to the grown ups, and you figure it's good to know - and something you would want to know, even if you hadn't been planning to leave!
And you're not really sure if you are going to any more, after all. You still haven't decided yet... So it's important to know first, anyway.
Ahh, wondering about all the hubbub, huh? Of course you heard it too, I don't doubt the whole clowder heard it - and if anyone was out still, they'll know about it later, the gossips.
She grins. Not that I'm judging on that - I'm as much of a gossip as any! Though I of course have to keep my trap shut when it comes to mediator duties. It's my job to keep secrets.
Welp, in any case. Juking is a skill the teens get trained in for avoiding threats - because we're so small and our predators so large, if we go in a pipe to dodge a predator, then wait in it, they follow us and we can just hop back to tunnelling back to the other side of the pipe. Or you can use it offensively, and wait for them to come out there since we can stay in but it pushes them out - that's when you hit them with the spear in the back.
It's especially useful for lizards, since their ugly mugs have armoured plating protecting their skull. They're some f- messed up things, I'll tell you that. They're one of the most common beasts you have to deal with out there. Some slugcats have tamed them, I hear, but why you'd want to is beyond me. If you want company so bad, just join a clowder!
Anyways. I'm sure you heard as much as I did about the pack lizards - they come in orange and yellows, and have long horns. They work in a pack, but they're the only ones they do, making the name - they can talk to each other over long distances somehow, so they can corner you when you think you're outrunning one. Most lizards hate each other, and will fight each other over you; there's many a slugcat that's managed to escape a lizard's jaws from that.
Gator lizards are green, bulky, and slow. They're pretty stupid, but their bite is one of the deadliest. They're not to be mistaken for eel lizards, which are green but only live in water - those things are whip-fast, for one. They're also thin and small, while gator lizards are way bigger. Plus, eel lizards only have two front legs, while gators have four. Don't get overconfident while fighting them, and be careful of 'em charging.
Pole lizards are named that because the only thing they can do is climb poles. Most lizards can do it, 'cept for the gators. They're not so bad in comparison to other lizards, but they're still wicked things and get damn fast when they're close. They're purple or pink, sometimes even reddish - but make no mistake, you'll know a red lizard when you see one. Remember this: if it's got spines, it's a blood sign.
Wall lizards climb walls - camo lizards and leap lizards do this too, but these ones only climb walls. Easiest way to remember them. They're different shades of blue, including cyan - but they're no leap lizard. They're easy to pick apart 'cause wall-zards have their head in blue, leap lizards don't. They're one of the smallest lizards, so if you're lucky a bigger lizard will come try to pick on them.
Ugh, there's too many damn lizards, lemme just summarise the less scary ones.
Camo lizards are white at default with black heads, they can disguise themselves wherever they're standing still. They blend in and can change their colours to be anything they want, so scan for subtle shifting whenever you're in an area.
Salamanders, they can be any colour they want, they have gills. The other aquatic one like eel lizards. Just don't fight them in water, and you'll probs be fine.
Strawberry lizards - longest damn tongue you'll ever see, watch out for it. They taste like strawberries, I hear? Would be nice if they were easier to kill then, and stopped trying to eat us. White with pink. Small like wall lizards.
Leap lizards you can also think of as that one pattern slugcats come in too, with the spots. They're all black 'cept for their eyes and those spots. These guys, they have some kind of charging jump, so they're good at moving wherever the damn they want. They climb, they walk on walls, they jump at you, they're some mean buggers. One of the worst ones.
Finally. The reds.
You don't want to meet a red lizard. They're black as night with spines tipped red all over their body, and if you ever see one you need to RUN. She slams her paws down onto the ground in front of you for emphasis, and you jump with a squeak. They're faster than us and they're not afraid of any damn thing - the other lizards will cower if you've got a vulture mask, but not those spawns of the void. They spit sticky gobs to hold you down, sling their tongue around like a strawberry, and they'll grab your weapons with it just to break it with their jaws.
I'm telling you, those things are sadistic. They want to make it so you know you can't fight back. They don't even care about any lizards 'cept other reds!
She sticks her tongue out and sits back. Anyways, those are only the lizards we know about. I don't want to imagine what others there might be!
You're starting to think that maybe there's way too many lizards, and you feel a little overwhelmed trying to remember all of them. Your head hurts from trying to keep all of these different kinds in there.
Well, that's as much information as your child brain can take right now. You guess now it's just the question of whether to go or not...
⊗ Nope. Let's Stay The Fuck Inside
⊗ NO we are not fucking ready we have NO idea where the pearl is and there's a LIZARD out there!!!!!!!!!
⊗ yes bc i want to see what will happen. i think we can manage it. we're strong and tough. and TWO months old.
⊗ having second thoughts. let's stay home
⊗ let's stay home and plan for later. maybe spend some time with broken talking about future plans...?
⊗ Stay home until we've learned ALL the lizards and know what a vulture mask is
Are you ready?
Okay, I get it now. You whisper to The Broken. An adventure would be fun, but... Maybe when it's safer? Or when we're both apprentices? There's lots of lizards I gotta learn about... And whatever a vulture mask is.
The Broken seems relieved. Ok! I wanna go on adventures with you too, but I don't want to get in big trouble.
Me either. You nod. A little trouble is okay. Like when my parents fussed over me with my bruises. But I don't want them to get really worried.
⊗ think about how you learned the word juking
Huh. When you think about it, and start wondering… You're not really sure where you heard the word "juking". The Storm said everyone is taught it though, so you're sure you just heard one of the adults or teens talking about it, then forgot it.
⊗ Hey Winged say fuck
⊗ hi winged
⊗ don't listen to ^
⊗ no you should listen to me. winged i'm speaking directly to your ear right now. go ask the pale what "fuck, shit, and ass" mean
⊗ go on winged. say fuck
⊗ i taught you about juking. you can trust me
⊗ i can teach you more things. if you are a good little pup and don't say these things
⊗ Learn about these things so you know why not to say them
⊗ you should start compiling a list of words like these. for reference.
⊗ if you don't say any swear words i will give you a new trick to practice
⊗ winged i have nothing to offer you. but if you do say fuck it will be so funny. imagine the look on everyone's faces.
You feel like... You're really curious to know what some words mean.
You don't quite remember what the words are, though...
You like being a good little pup, and it feels as if whatever words you're thinking of aren't for pups to say. Though you don't even know what they are!
That night, when you settle into your nest with your parents, you keep your grip firmly on The Broken's paw and pull her in with you. She grumbles and mutters, but surrenders to your determined tugging and curls up willingly beside you. You put your chin on her back and make a satisfied sigh.
The Silky seems quite pleased to have her here with you - she keeps alternating between running her tongue over your face and hers, despite both of your complaints and wiggling.
You can't see the eggs, but you know that your siblings will be in The Silky and The Pale's pouches, same as every night - when you lean back against your father's midriff, you can even feel the hard bump of a shell from inside him.
Hey, Papa?
Yes, darling?
What's "fuck" mean?
... Winged, dear? Where did you learn that?