⊗ Go to help New Sun et all with the newcomer!
⊗ let's talk to the newcomer!!!!

Because The New Sun now counts as a full-fledged graduate, it's been easier than ever for her and her friends to go out on patrols together. Of course, you know the two apprentices still have to keep training with their mentors too, and The Sun is still pretty new to warriorhood, so they can't go as often as they want - especially not when everyone is still on the alert for the lizard that last separated them.
But they're extra clingy to each other, and careful, with the spear an adult pulled out for them and a mushroom held at the ready when they go out.
So it isn't weird to you, when they come back together, because you already know they're allowed to leave together without any adults now. This time, though, they're helping to hold up a slugcat you've never seen nor scented before.
Curious, you run up to them.

Hi Sun, Wind, Untouched! Who's this?
Oh, hey Winged. The Untouched has the stranger's left arm slung around his shoulders, his own paw gripping their wrist. This is The Whistler.
That's what they told us, anyway, The Wind adds. She's supporting the stranger's right arm, similarly holding them up with her shoulders. We haven't asked them too much 'cause of their injury, so we can't say much more yet.
You look closer at them, and realise with shock that the newcomer's jaw has been twisted into an unnatural angle - the flesh is slashed open and the shape of the jaw juts far to the side. Blood drips down their chin. You've never seen someone injured so badly before, and you're even more shocked when their eyes follow your approach.
Someone can be hurt like this and awake?! Are they going to die?!
⊗ Maybe yell for The Little?
⊗ Yell for the Little!
THE LITTLE! You wail, turning on one paw and bolting for the den. Other heads turn as you race past them, ears flattened and tail bristling; it's not exactly that it's weird for you to scream someone's name, but it's only when a situation truly frightens you that you cry out like this.
Saves us having to call for The Wild, You can very faintly hear The Wind say, with a snort.
Should have her cry out news for everyone, The Untouched agrees.
The Little, of course, is as alerted by your raised voice as the others. They're already on their feet when you dash into his part of the shelter, ears perked and paw hovering over an assortment of herbs.
What's happened? They ask quickly. A patrol returned? An accident outside?
There's a stranger! Their mouth is broken! You cling to their hind leg with your paws and let them drag your dead weight as The Little begins walking around the store, snatching herbs that would help based on this news. Th-The New Sun and others found them, they're bleeding lots and lots! There's a trail of blood a little! Are they gonna DIE?
No, Winged, The Little says soothingly. Could you help me grab those seed pods, there's a dear. Yes, my tail is better for you to hold on to, that's fine. They'll be in a lot of pain from their jaw, but the seeds you have in your paw will help that. I'll help staunch the bleeding and see what's wrong with them, but it won't kill them. No one's ever died directly from such a thing, especially with medical help.
You sniffle. So they're going to be okay?
I can't promise that for certain, but I am sure that I'll do the best I can for them. Here we go, I've all the herbs I think I may need, let us set off. How large was the little trail of blood?
Um, some dots and trails on their chest fur, and on the others. And on the ground when they stood still...
Hmmm, I see. That must have been very scary for you, I don't believe anyone has been hurt quite so bad that you've seen before.
You nod. It was! The Little's calm is helping soothe you though, and the rhythmic drag of their tail against the ground under you as they walk through the shelter helps too.
The Silky pokes her head out as the two of you pass the nursery, eyes shining with worry. I heard Winged crying your name, is everything alright?
Don't worry, The Winged is unharmed, The Little confirms, tilting his head in your direction so she can see for herself. There's a stranger the apprentices brought back, severely injured I hear. Not itself life-threatening, I believe, but best to be quick.
She nods, relaxing now that she knows it isn't someone she cares for in immediate danger. You'll have to tell me the details later, if it's an emergency. I'll let Pale know too, I'm sure he'll want to hear about it. Thanks.
They nod back at her and keep walking, picking up the pace now. When you emerge back into the camp and The Little approaches the stranger, The Wild is there with the teenagers already.
Hmm, that looks like a slash from a spear, He's in the middle of saying as he inspects the other slugcat, who's sitting on the floor now. Perhaps they offended a scavenger?
There's a garbled growl of disagreement from the stranger, who flattens their ears and lashes their tail.
Please don't insult my patient and work them up even more, Wild, The Little says mildly as they crouch down. Hello, there. I'm the healer of this clowder, pleased to meet you. Here, Winged, shake out a few seeds, no more than three, from the pod and give it to them. This will help with the pain.
You're still clutching the green heads - at their instruction, you hold it out and shake some small black specks into the stranger's outstretched paw, careful to make sure they don't get too many. With a grateful flick of the tail to both of you, they tip the seeds onto their tongue and swallow.
My apologies, it wasn't meant to be insult, The Wild says, contrite. I only wondered as there's so few species who can wield a spear properly, we know a group who lives relatively nearby, and miscommunications with scavengers is a common thing to those who don't speak often with them.
Like we said, we couldn't get too much else out of them, The Wind concludes, folding her paws across her chest. Or more like, we didn't wanna ask too much considering, you know.
I'm sure we'll have to save the interviewing for later. The Little mimes lifting their own chin up, and the slugcat obligingly copies the movement, tilting their head and allowing The Little better access to their jaw. This should heal fine once I re-set the jaw, but the split flesh will take some time to heal, and it won't be easy to eat with it. You'll be agitating it enough with that, no need to talk before then.
The stranger makes a small noise in the back of their throat, tail lashing again in protest.
Hm. If you badly need to inform us of something, then I suppose you must. But allow me to set your jaw first, at least, so your speech doesn't risk making anything worse permanently. We need only wait a little longer for the seeds to fully take effect.
We already know their name... The Untouched muses, tapping his paw to his chin. And surely that could wait, anyway.
Their attacker, The Sun suggests, and flicks her ears in triumph when the stranger points at her. You want to warn us about them, Whistler?
I guess it has to be another slugcat, if they want us to keep an eye out so bad. The Wind ponders.
Certainly, it's the only option that makes sense. If not a scavenger, then a slugcat. The Wild exhales through his nose, troubled. A loner passing through that's willing to be so aggressive is bad news, especially when we're already dealing with the lizards. Luck willing is they kill each other, and leave us alone...
There's a sharp yelp, and everyone jumps. While they were distracted by the conversation, The Little had sharply wrenched The Whistler's jaw back into place, and they now crouch rubbing some kind of poultice over the gash still left there. The Little told you once that some clowders use cloth to wrap injuries, but cloth is in too short supply here for that to be possible with you - instead, they just bind the injury with clean leaves, tying it tight with strands of horse tail.
You think about the fact that that still hurt them even with the numbing seeds, and shiver. That's really scary to think about!
I've a nest in the healer's den you can rest in for now, The Little informs them. If you wish to move on from the clowder after you're all healed, you're more than welcome to. For now, though, I'd like to request you stay so I may keep an eye on that injury.
The Whistler nods gratefully to him, then turns to look at the rest of you. With difficulty still, they manage to slur out what they've been waiting to say. Red slug, bluebells. Territory. Trespass.
The Wild looks a little uncertain, but The Little frowns. They turn to the deputy. That description matches The Shining. I informed you of him, yes? He joined the clowder of The Saviour, I met him last time I visited.
Now it's The Wild's turn to frown. We've never heard of anything like this happening with that clowder before, they've always been as apathetic to territorial disputes as we are. Slugcats should be able to come and go as they please. Maybe this Shining is just a bad apple?
I couldn't say. The Little seems perturbed by all this - their tail keeps trying to twitch, or flick back and forth, but because you're still sitting on it and crawled up to its tip, it can't. You remember we heard of The Saviour's passing. I recall The Noodlefly was in their place now, but we wondered what policies would be implemented with a new face.
Ugh. The Wild shows his teeth a little, disgruntled. The Pale isn't going to like this. What a time to have something like this happen, when he's trying to take care of pups.
Drama waits for no slugcat. The Little sighs, and then gestures to The Whistler. Come, I'll get you settled in. When your jaw heals, perhaps you can tell us what happened to you in more detail?
They nod, and stagger back to their feet. The Little easily supports their weight alone, and turns to help them into the shelter.
You can now view The Whistler's details in this month's Allegiances.
⊗ Hmmm... let's go see what the Broken wants!
⊗ the new thing is now over and boring! talk to the broken.

Hi, Broken! You pounce on her from behind and start mock-biting at her ears. She fights you off with a squeal and a laugh, rolling around to try to pummel your belly with her hind legs.
Of course, you're smaller than her, so you're not as easy to twist around to the front as she'd think! Eventually, she does manage to get a hold of you though, squishing you down with her weight until it's your turn to squeal and kick at her.
Hi, Winged! She finally says once you're both done tussling, looking quite pleased with herself at your surrender - though, of course, she's been training and you haven't, so it's not exactly fair!
What did you call me over for? You ask, rolling up into a sitting position, leaning back on your paws. You're so dusty, your parents are definitely going to chase you until you're thoroughly washed.
I wanted your help! The Broken says, self-importantly. Well, first I wanted to show you this.
She gestures to a lantern mouse sitting nearby the both of you. You hadn't given it a second thought as you assumed it was just her meal, but now that she's pointed it out to you, you look at it again.
I caught that! She explains, proud. I went on my first patrol with The Rain today, and we found... Well, we found a spider! Can you believe that? I seriously thought The Storm made them up, but there it was! It wasn't in the dark or anything though, it didn't really seem to care about the light? It was this great big black lump with these long thin legs, so many that it looked like fur.
You scrunch up your face imagining this. You liked The Spider and all, but it's a little hard for you to try to envision something black and round with legs that look like fur - how do you have so many little legs?
I know, it's so weird right? Well anyway, it turns out spiders are also wimps! The Rain pointed out to me how it was holding on to a lantern mouse it had grabbed, and then showed me how we could scare it off from its prey just by making loud calls and throwing rocks at it. It was so easy! So that's how we got to catch some food to bring back home.
You're very suitably impressed. Wow!!!! You really scared off a spider? That's so cool, I didn't know anyone could scare spiders! They sounded pretty scary in The Storm's story... You know, before they became The Stone's friend and all.
Right? She shakes her head. I thought I needed to be at least a little worried about spiders once I saw they were real, but I guess they're just more menacing in pup stories!
But anyway!! The other thing I called you over for! She whips her tail up and then sweeps it to the side, brushing the other topic away. I want to prank my mentor. You should help me! I don't know what to do. Obviously it has to be something that's not going to really hurt him.
Ummm, okay. We can try to make something up together. You tilt your head, deep in thought. Eventually, after much hemming and hawing between the two of you, you get an idea.
What if you hide something yucky in his food? Like something gross and bitter? No one likes bitter stuff.
Oh, that's perfect! The Broken pricks her ears eagerly. You're great at this, Winged! We can put it in the mouse I caught. Then we can hide the stuff in its mouth, and he'll get a surprise when he eats it. His face will be really funny.
I think I know some plants we can use, You say, thinking of The Little's explanations.
Even better! She grabs your paws with hers, and pulls you along as she bounces up and down a little. You're a little surprised, because usually you're the one doing this to her, but you're very happy to squeeze her paws back. Okay, let's do this thing!
Hello, Rain, The Broken says smoothly, sidling up to her mentor.
He looks up at her curiously, in the middle of cleaning his chest fur with his paws. Then he looks at you, and cocks his eyebrow just a little more. Hello Broken, Winged. To what do I owe the pleasure of both you young'uns' company?
I came here to save your old bones some trouble. She replies, presenting the lantern mouse to him. I got some food for you.
Why, Broken, The Rain gives her an appraising look. That's suspiciously nice of you.
What can I say, I'm feeling charitable! She gives him her most innocent blink in return, and offers the lantern mouse to him again. You were the one who helped me get it, after all! Surely my most esteemed mentor should get the first bite of my first ever catch.
He snorts, amusement glimmering in his eyes as he takes the prey. Word of advice? Don't lay the flattery on so thick. It makes you far too obvious, especially when you never do it otherwise.
The both of you watch with bated breath as The Rain takes a bite... And immediately scrunches up his nose, looking greatly pained as he swallows the mouthful.
But you still ate it! She says, triumphant.
That I did. Woe upon me, He deadpans, turning the lantern mouse upside down. Betrayed by my wayward apprentice, how could it be. I'm sure I never saw it coming. My downfall.
The Rain begins shearing at the meat, pulling it apart with his teeth. I will eat this, of course. I'm certainly not one to waste food, especially when you did so kindly offer it to me. Come back later, Broken, and you can try a bite of your first catch! But you might want to wait until I've separated it out from all these plants you've stuffed down its mouth. I suppose I'll also need to return them to The Little.
The Broken puffs up her chest and grins at him. Thanks! It was Winged's idea. I'm going to go hang out with him more now, so have fun with those herbs.
Scamp, He replies, affectionately.
As the both of you leave him alone again to his cleaning, you think that your dad was right. Though you never knew The Rain enough to realise it, they do suit each other really well, in a way. Even though they just started, and despite the pranking, she really seems to look up to him. She seems really happy learning from him.
⊗ talk to the Broken about the stranger and the red slugcat and the Bouncy looking lonely!
So! The Broken says, sitting down and laying her tail over yours. What did YOU wanna talk about?
I saw that The Bouncy sits by himself a lot. You sit down across from her, and wiggle your tail a little under hers. He looks pretty lonely.
...Okay? The Broken shrugs. I'm not surprised, 'cause he's so stuck up and snippy. If he was nicer people would probably like him more. Too bad that's too hard for him.
I just feel kinda bad. He seems like he doesn't really know how to fit in.
Well, it's nice of you to worry about him, Winged. She still doesn't seem particularly interested in this topic, and honestly seems kind of baffled why you brought it up to her. I don't get why you care, though.
You're not really sure why, either. You just feel like, well, he's part of the clowder, and he's all alone - if a slugcat is part of a clowder, then they shouldn't feel like there's no one there for them! He has The Storm, kind of, but surely he could use more friends! He's a lot older than you or Broken, but still... You could be his friend? You guess you already knew The Broken hated him though, so you're not too surprised that she doesn't. It was worth a try.
Did you hear about the hurt slugcat The New Sun, Untouched, and Wind found on patrol?
Of course! She flicks her tail to the side, mock-offence that you'd even ask, before bringing it back to yours. It's all anyone's been talking about - them, and The Shining.
I think it's interesting enough and all. I mean, who doesn't want to know about what other clowders nearby are up to and if we're gonna see lots more traffic from our turf because all the loners are avoiding that place? Buuuuut, you know what everyone is missing out on talking about 'cause of that?
No, what?
The Wind and The New Sun! She mashes her two paws together against each other, to emphasise this point. They sooooo obviously have a thing for each other! I've seen how The Sun keeps giving her shy glances, and The Wind keeps smiling at her!
You think about this. Aw, does that mean they're going to start leaving The Untouched out of stuff now?
No! Obviously not! The Broken shakes her head like she can't believe you just asked her this question. They clearly are going to stick all together forever, regardless! But to be honest, it's pretty obvious that they're going to become mates with each other, all three of them.
Really? How can you tell?
Winged!! Just LOOK at them! They're glued to the hip with each other, they tell each other everything, and they're best friends with each other, right?
You nod, confused. You're also best friends with The Broken, after all, so you don't see how this leads to romantic relationships...
And NOW, after all that, they're giving each other these long quiet looks! They're making these SPECIFIC smiles! They're going on long patrols all together, alone with each other!!! Only the three of them, 'cause now The Sun graduated and they can DO that!! They totally want to kiss!
You guess this makes sense? You're not totally sure what you're supposed to make of this, but she has always been a bit curious about things like this. You're curious about different things too, and you do think it's interesting to know!
So you play along and decide to join in too, just enjoying the flow of having conversation with her.
⊗ Let's sneak up on and talk to the Bouncy!

When you see The Bouncy's bowed head and shoulders, forepaws on the ground, you can't resist trying to disrupt him with a sneak attack.
Lowering yourself onto all fours, you creep close to him from behind, tail raised level over the ground, not dragging. As you inch closer to him, you can see that he's doing something with his paws on the floor, but you can't tell what it is... And it isn't so important to you, because you're POUNCING!
Hi Bouncy!!!!! You shout as you land on your paws on top of his back, pushing him down further against the dirt.
To your great disappointment, he doesn't even flinch.
Nor does he reply at first, seemingly preoccupied with what he's working on - so you begin scaling him, climbing over his back and pushing your feet against his shoulders, trying to hang upside down over him and dangle like a batfly to look at him from that angle.
Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi.
Finally, he sighs and looks up from what he was scratching at, tilting his head to better see where you're clinging to him, half-sliding down his back. Hello, Winged.
You chirp at him, triumphant. Hi! What are you doing?
I'm just thinking, The Bouncy says, turning around to catch you and set you down. As he does, his tail sweeps over the dirt, obscuring whatever it had been before you can catch a glimpse of it.
What about? You cling stubbornly to his arms when he tries to withdraw them. He huffs through his nose and lets his paws stay where they are at your sides.
He flicks an ear and shrugs a little. How different everyone in this clowder is, I suppose.
From what?
My old clowder. I couldn't fit in there, so I left it - but now I find that in this clowder, the way I grew up in my old clowder hinders me. It feels... Ironic, I suppose. What stood out there is of little note here, like I had desired, but what was normal in my past clowder is odd in this one. And it isn't as simple as simply just, "not" following what I was raised in. What's the alternative? I can't try to be someone as casual as The Storm, and I'm certainly NOT being like The Olive.
The Bouncy spits this last part, ears flattening against his head as he mentions her name.
Even if my peers find her more palatable than me, it just wouldn't be right. I won't pretend to be like her. I just can't stand it, the irreverence everyone shows to the elders, the leader. Doesn't anyone respect them? Barely anyone even calls them their full titles!
You tilt your head. But, it's not a ceremony or anything. Why would we need to call them "The" all the time?
He flicks his tail, agitated. That's just the thing! This comes so natural to you, as if this should be normal, as if this is how things should be. But it's just, so brusque. So overfamiliar. The Pale is the leader, for void's sake, it shouldn't be the case that any random slugcat can call them what they want!
And then I've heard how The Wind talks to her mentor, just saying her title shortened, imitating her behind her back. It's just improper. But if I say so, then I'M the spoilsport, the one making things awkward. So I try not to say anything, but they can still see I don't like it. So does it make it any less strained? I certainly don't think so.
Umm, but The Rust likes you, right? You say, trying to help. I remember he always looks at you with a smile, and he likes when you visit.
The Bouncy frowns. Yes, I know he approves of the proper deference I give to an elder, but... Well, he's not on equal standing with me. I can't truly be his friend. I can ask for his advice, if he's willing to give it. But I couldn't talk to him like we're standing at the same height. Such things simply don't work that way.
But.. The Rain is becoming friends with Broken??
Mentor-apprentice friendliness is all well and good, and it is nice when your mentor likes you, but it isn't the same as a peer friendship. He finally pulls himself away from you to fold his arms, tucking his paws against his body. When someone becomes your mentor, that's your superior. You need to treat them as such.
The Bouncy wraps his tail around his paws, too. He seems lost in his sad thoughts, and you don't really know what to say or how to help him. The only thing that's quite clear to you is just how much you don't understand about him.
What seems really important to him just... Doesn't mean anything to you, and you can't understand what he's upset about either.
You can't make any sense of it. At a loss for what else to do to help, you sit quietly with him and lean on his leg, cuddling close against his side.
He doesn't seem to notice you, but his arms don't wrap around himself quite so tight.
You're almost starting to nod off despite the way Bouncy's body rocks against you, when the camp air splits with a snarl. Both you and The Bouncy jump at the sound of aggression, so unheard of within the halls of the hollow, and turn to look.
The Storm and The Old Sun are facing each other in front of one of the camp walls, hackles raised and tails lashing. They're too far away for you to make out what they're saying, but their postures are all agitation. The Storm's ears are perked forward, as much as her body is leaning towards The Sun, and her teeth flash just a little as her mouth moves. The Sun is bushing up her pelt in response - though outwardly she seems calmer, her flattened ears and similarly showing teeth make it clear she's also upset.
The Bouncy frowns, perturbed. That's not good. What could they possibly be arguing about?
We have to help stop them! You don't even wait for a response, already racing forwards towards them.
⊗ maybe if we show old sun and storm a cool bug it will help. get a cool bug
You have to help them by finding a cool bug! They won't argue if they're looking at a cool bug and paying attention to you instead! You just have to be so cute and so lovable!
The Bouncy was following hot on your heels, but stops in audible confusion when you suddenly veer to the side and run towards the bushes of grass beside the slugcats.
You don't explain to him because clearly, you don't have time! Instead, you scan the long tufts around the camp, knowing that what you seek will be hiding in plain sight, until... There!
Triumphantly, you close your paw around the green bug trying to disguise itself as another leaf. You turn around and immediately run back to The Bouncy, brandishing the bug to him - he steps back from it like it's a weapon.
I went to find a cool bug! You say now that you have it. Look! It pretends it's grass! That's so cool, they'll forget about whatever they're talking about now and stop arguing.
Well, I guess it can't make things any worse, he says, peering at it dubiously.