⊗ Listen to the untouched!

You want to know what The Untouched is so ruffled about - and you know already from your parents that sometimes, the best way to find out information is to pretend you're not there. Then they'll talk about things they otherwise wouldn't let you listen to.
You look around the camp for where the older slugpup is, pinpointing his location. He's sitting alongside some bushes and the now-empty hanging vines of some Blue Fruit, now joined by The Wind and The New Sun.
This is perfect for you!
You drop on all fours, your tail held straight behind you like you've seen the apprentices practicing. With slow, careful steps, you let your body guide you deeper into the leaves around you, until you're sure you're completely camouflaged.
Then you creep closer, just as gradual, until you're peeking over at them from within the branches. Now you can hear their conversation very clearly.
It sounds as if The Untouched has just finished telling some kind of joke; The Wind is laughing raucously, kicking out her hind paws and letting her tail thrash freely, while The New Sun is chuffing her amusement softly. Even The Untouched seems like he's enjoying himself, though his tail is wagging in embarrassment.
See? You even got Sun to smile a little! You know how hard it is to coax those out of her. The Wind is still giggling as she speaks.
W-well, it's not that funny. The Untouched gives his chest another lick. Everyone's probably gotten it wrong at some point, right?
No way, have you seen how she can figure out prints just like that? I bet that's why she's laughing at you! Don't even recognise your own paws, for shame. Shouldn't you clean them enough to be familiar?
My paws are one thing, but how can you look at the marks you make and be able to figure out more than "oh, lizard", "oh, slugcat"?
I think it's funny how much you think it's funny, Wind. The Sun interjects, voice soft.
Now who's seeing? She's laughing at YOU, not me. Take that! He wiggles his ears triumphantly.
She's saying that to make you feel better! The Wind slaps his back with her paw, re-ruffling his short pelt with a swipe up. I mostly think it's funny how embarrassed you are about it, anyway.
That's because you saw me report it as a stranger coming into the territory! And I told The Pale that with such confidence...
Come on, that's not so bad. He might be our leader, but he's so nice to you. If it were me though, and the Amber? You know what she'd say to me.
The Wind gets to its hind paws to look down its nose at the others, affecting a cool and dispassionate voice. "Wind, are you calling yourself a stranger now? If you wish to leave the clowder, I am certain you realise no one will stop you. There is no need for this charade."
Surely she wouldn't say that just for you making a mistake. The Sun tilts their head quizzically at her. I thought you said she always listened fairly when you had trouble.
Okay, yeah. The Wind slumps back down into sitting. She wouldn't be mean about it, she'd actually say something like, "I know you've just started out, and it can be hard because your paws have no distinct shapes for the tracks, so let's find anything we can pick out". But that's not funny.
Honestly, remember when we thought she was so scary as pups? The Untouched flicks the fingers of his paws wide, as if to emphasise how large this emotion was. You looked like you were going to fall over when The Pale said she was your mentor!
I remember that. I think she did fall over after The Amber whispered something to her.
Hah, you've got me there. The Wind whuffs good-naturedly. I never said what they told me that day, huh? I don't think I thought you would believe me.
Well, now you've got me curious. He wraps his tail over his lap and leans forwards with his elbows resting on it, his attention exaggeratedly rapt. Go on then, Wind. What was the big secret?
It was a joke! She widens her eyes and her mouth into Os of astonishment, which The Untouched copies.
You're telling me The Amber makes jokes?
That's exactly what I'm saying! Tell me you can't believe it!
I can't believe it!
Now say it like you actually came up with it yourself!
While The Untouched makes an exaggerated swoon backwards of shock, forepaw draped over their forehead, The Sun speaks up again.
That does make sense, I think. She must have known that would be the best way to get rid of your old impression of her. To put you more at ease.
Stoop, you made it sound so calculated. You'll make me scared of it again. The Wind chuckles, shoving at The Sun's side.
Well, I guess that's kind of just how social interaction is, right? The Untouched muses, thoughtful. You figure out what the person would be most receptive to, and then you use it on them so they'll like you more.
..Now you're sounding scary, Touchy.
The Wind flails a paw at him to emphasise their agreement. You're the charming one, so coming from you that's terrifying!
He holds up his own paws, mock-defensive against her swipes. I'm just saying! If you want to break it down that way, you could. Now me, I'd prefer to think of it as a game, or something like that. Puzzling out the best way to make friends.
Or like how you made friends with us by just walking up to us and asking if we wanted to play a game?
Yes, exactly like that! And you know I'm good because it even worked on Sun. Speaking of which, are you all too tired to start one, or should we bring back another round of pebble swing?
I wouldn't mind. We'll have to watch out though, or you're going to thwack our current hanger-on.
The Sun responds by pointing with some amusement at the small paw prints tracking along the sand, all the way to where you vanished into the bushes. Then her tail tip gestures directly at your current hiding position.
You've been spotted!! With a squeak, you scurry out of the bushes and scamper away from them with small bounds, off to somewhere else in the camp.