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This is a massively simplified variation of the game in channel #omegaclowder, as it took a bit too much out of me to keep up with when the sandbox was so wide. I do want to come back to it, but for now let's consider this a "prose lite" version for me, which hopefully will allow me to maintain it for longer. In addition, they were created in a now incredibly outdated version of the ClanGen game. This adventure uses the same game, updated to as recent as possible, but with a mod which focuses a single cat as your point of view, as well as a sprite mod that makes them Slugcats from Rain World.

I intend to provide a list of the available actions you can choose to do that month; most of these actions are able to be done together.
i.e. If you wish to speak to one slugcat, but someone else votes to speak to another, both will be spoken to.

Exceptions to this will be noted. If in doubt, feel free to ask questions.

