please note that this is a fan-project & i am not affiliated with the gpx+ site
Table of Contents
Generation 6 // Kalos
Generation 7 // Alola
Generation 8 // Galar
Generation 8.5 // Hisui
Generation 9 // Paldea
Legacy Sprites

All names used for the credits are the artists' GPX+ user handles.
In case these usernames are changed at any time, their names are also listed below in alphabetical order with a link to their member number.

Akari - #21755
Bonnie Clyde - #120895
Carefactorzero - #19837
chalchiuhtli - #255814
Commander Wymsy - #3
Cytosine - #37706
Entomolojest - #263139
Galahawk - #21238
Giraffe A Laugh - #66646
GlitchedBat - #105485
Kazyx - #1227
Keqings Lightning Stiletto - #19334
Letan - #1219
LightKunai - #68672
Mosica - #10191
Nic - #93927
PokeNOM NOM NOM - #99214
PuppyToast - #19787
Rhapsody - #795
StukAktuZ - #99843
Synx Itax - #23405
Thiinka - #16742
Volmise - #12388
Yamper - #61211
Zefa - #96576
19th february 2025: shiny dudunsparce two segment sprite obtained from pumpkinking0192
17th february 2025: shiny ceruledge sprite obtained from esc. shiny finizen sprit obtained from viaman
16th february 2025: shiny paldean tauros aqua sprite obtained from doom hunter. normal terapagos sprite obtained, much appreciated akari!
16th february 2025 ~1 AM: shiny tandemaus sprite obtained from akari. normal palafin zero sprite obtained, thank you flashworx!
15th february 2025: and as the raffle comes in, more new pokemon once more! normal finizen, palafin hero, tinkatuff, both dudunsparce sprites obtained. shiny tinkaton sprite obtained from pixel skies' evolved tinkatink from last update. shiny maushold four sprite obtained from rainpath5466. confirmed artist for dudunsparce and finizen line. shiny dudunsparce three segment sprite obtained from isla de monte cristo. shiny tinkatuff sprite obtained from flashworx
15th february 2025 ~3 AM: shiny tinkatink sprite obtained from pixel skies. both normal maushold sprites obtained. shiny zacian crowned sword + shiny zamazenta crowned shield sprites obtained from jade
14th february 2025: happy valentine's day! we've got more pokemon again to add on - normal tandemaus, tinkatink, tinkaton sprites obtained
13th february 2025 12 AM: shiny smolive sprite obtained from purpledragonclaw. shiny zamazenta sprite obtained from bears6199. shiny dollive sprite obtained from purpledragonclaw - this is a different one from the smolive above
10th february 2025: shiny charcadet sprite obtained from nasasmi yuu
9th february 2025: normal charcadet, ceruledge, armarouge, terastal terapagos sprites obtained. shiny normal, terastal, & stellar terapagos sprite obtained from naixatloz. confirmed artist for terastal terapagos. shiny arboliva sprite obtained from phantaminium
9th february 2025 ~7 AM: normal dolliv + terapagos stellar sprite obtained
8th february 2025: serpentine sweet sixteen coin event has started and we have 10 new sprites to find! smoliv + line, terapagos + forms, charcadet + line entries added. shiny farigiraf sprite obtained from isla de monte cristo. normal smoliv + arboliva sprite obtained. normal farigiraf sprite obtained from alex and thomas, which i thought was interesting
7th february 2025: legacy sprite page created and added to table of contents. old zamazenta sprites moved there - new ones added in here. zacian to be moved as well
4th february 2025 ~3 AM: both shiny enamorus sprites obtained from gozu. normal incarnate enamorus sprite obtained. shiny combat paldean tauros sprite obtained from flashworx. shiny curly tatsugiri sprite obtained from phantaminium
2nd february 2025: normal blaze, combat, & aqua paldean tauros sprites obtained. shiny stretchy tatsugiri sprite obtained from gozu. shiny blaze paldean tauros sprite obtained from cao. normal therian enamorus sprite obtained
2nd february 2025 ~3 AM: confirmed paldean tauros trio are also added to site, have added their entries in. confirmed all current released sprites' artist as well, added in
2nd february 2025 ~1 AM: shiny droopy tatsugiri sprite obtained from crosspeice
1st february 2025: had a quiet time through the month with no new sprites, but we're back again with gpx's swsh rewards and more! normal tatsugiri sprites obtained, enamorus changed from 'not implemented' in artist credits
6th december 2024 ~12 AM: artist for galarian weezing added, shiny bellibolt sprite obtained from keicada
3rd december 2024: artist for tadbulb line found, a new contributor has been added to the list! shiny tadbulb sprite obtained from thundermoss
3rd december 2024 ~1 AM: normal bellibolt & tadbulb sprite obtained
1st december 2024: alongside armoured mewtwo, looks like we have a small handful of new pokemon! galarian weezing, as well as tadbulb + bellibolt seem to have been implemented. have added the tadbulb line and changed author for galarian weezing away from "not implemented" accordingly. normal galarian weezing sprite obtained. shiny galarian weezing sprite obtained from eryth violet
14th november 2024: shiny great tusk sprite obtained from jade
3rd november 2024: shiny brute bonnet sprite obained from gozu
2nd november 2024: shiny sandy shocks sprite obtained from gozu
28th october 2024: shiny flutter mane sprite obtained from mithun
26th october 2024 ~12 AM: shiny slither wing sprite obtained from gozu
23rd october 2024 ~2 AM: shiny roaring moon sprite obtained from morgoth
20th october 2024: shiny scream tail sprite obtained from gozu
17th october 2024: normal sandy shocks sprite obtained
17th october 2024 ~3 AM: shiny cyclizar sprite obtained from amberfunk
17th october 2024 ~1 AM: normal ursaluna blood moon, flutter mane, hisuian avalugg sprite obtained. shiny ursaluna blood moon sprite obtained from amberfunk. shiny hisuian avalugg sprite obtained from aregularfrankiefan
16th october 2024: the list of credits for the rest is history event have been released, as well as another batch of pokemon! artist credits have been changed accordingly, with the new paradox pokemon entry added & pre-existing entries changed from 'not implemented'. normal gmax melmetal & rillaboom sprite were also finally obtained thanks to cytosine's help, much appreciated! normal roaring moon sprite obtained
16th october 2024 ~2 AM: confirmed kleavor, wyrdeer, dracovish & slither wing's artist, edited credit accordingly. entry created for ursaluna [blood moon]
15th october 2024: another final update to the rest is history event! normal scream tail, slither wing, cyclizar sprite obtained. entries created for slither wing, cyclizar, flutter mane
15th october 2024 ~1 AM: normal brute bonnet sprite obtained
14th october 2024: normal zamazenta crowned shield, ursaluna sprite obtained. shiny dracovish sprite obtained from myou. shiny ursaluna sprite obtained from pumpkinking0192
13th october 2024: normal dracovish, great tusk, zacian crowned sword sprite obtained. shiny dracozolt sprite obtained from system. brute bonnet & scream tail entries added, ursaluna's artist credit added as now implemented
13th october 2024 ~3 AM: normal kleavor sprite obtained. shiny kleavor sprite obtained from pumpkinking0192
12th october 2024: more new updates to the rest is history coin event! normal dracozolt, wyrdeer, arctovish sprite obtained. shiny arctozolt sprite obtained from x luna. shiny arctovish sprite obtained from purpledragonclaw
11th october 2024: the rest is history coin event has started, and with it comes new pokemon! normal arctozolt sprite obtained. shiny wyrdeer obtained from 96goni
8th october 2024: i've now learnt that the alt formes of zacian and zamazenta were added too, as well as the fact that cytosine was the artist for the squawkabillys as well! artist credit for all updated. shiny zacian sprite obtained from noboaku
5th october 2024 ~2 AM: normal zamazenta sprite obtained
3rd october 2024: normal zacian sprite obtained. shiny blue squawkabilly sprite obtained from schwimm. yellow shiny squawkabilly obtained from snowpocalypse
3rd october 2024 ~1 AM: shiny green squawkabilly sprite obtained from ladycharizard. white shiny squawkabilly obtained from batonnaji
2nd october 2024: normal green plumage squawkabilly found! i also realised the announcement of the new exploration had mentioned zacian and zamazenta's spriter lol oops, i've added this in now
2nd october 2024 ~12 AM: squawkabilly added to paldea, normal white, yellow, & blue plumage sprites found. zacian and zamazenta are now also part of gpx! i'll have to add them soon when people start finishing their expeditions and hatching them, but for now have changed their non-item art credit to unknown rather than not implemented - i'll change it again when i can confirm who sprited them
17th september 2024: i've been absent from my computer for about 3 weeks, but i'm back now! shiny mabosstiff sprite obtained from 96goni. normal gigantamax cinderace sprite obtained thanks to my own cinderace. shiny hisuian arcanine sprite obtained from previous entry's shiny hisuian growlithe
21st august 2024 ~12 AM: shiny maschiff sprite obtained from gigadweeb. shiny hisuian growlithe sprite obtained from jade. shiny dachsbun sprite obtained from previous entry's shiny fidough
20th august 2024 ~1 AM: shiny fidough sprite obtained from sophitia. normal sprites for houndstone and mabosstiff obtained. shiny houndstone sprite obtained from previous entry's shiny greavard
19/8/2024 ~12 AM: shiny greavard sprite obtained from haeger. normal sprite for hisuian growlithe obtained
18/8/2024: dog days of summer turns out to have new pokemon sprites for us after all! normal sprites for maschiff, fidough, greavard, hisuian arcanine, & dachsbun obtained. placement for the lines of each added
14/8/2024: shiny sprite for quaxwell obtained from lealis
11/8/2024 ~6 AM: normal gmax orbeetle sprite obtained from galileon
10/8/2024 ~2 AM: shiny sprite for quaquaval found by munchlax
6/8/2024 ~2 AM: shiny sprite for flamigo found by 96goni, shiny sprite for quaxly found by professor sycamore
4/8/2024 ~4 AM: shiny sprite for veluza found by flashworx
3/8/2024 ~12 AM: normal sprites for the quaxly line, flamigo, & veluza obtained
2/8/2024: normal gmax urshifu single sprite obtained from doctordonna
2/8/2024 ~12 AM: entries made for august's newcoming sprites in preparation - all are gen 9. a new artist has been added to the list of contributors!
25/7/2024: normal gmax kingler sprite obtaineds from lokiofasgard
19/7/2024 ~5 AM: normal gmax appletun & flapple sprite obtained from vulpesdraconis. normal gmax gengar sprite obtained from spectrumspace
17/7/2024: normal gmax sandaconda sprite obtained from lokiofasgard
13/7/2024: normal gmax toxtricity sprite obtained from lokiofasgard. normal gmax drednaw sprite obtained from somesniv
4/7/2024 ~2 AM: normal gmax rapid strike urshifu sprite obtained from return 2 universe 09. normal gmax hatterene sprite obtained from hoshiberry
3/7/2024 ~3 AM: normal gmax charizard sprite obtained from jimlion - the funny thing about this one is this charizard was bred from a charmander clone that came from my own pair of char clones! very neat. normal gmax venusaur obtained from lord pokemon - that's all three kanto starters complete
29/6/2024: aurora today on gpx! emax eternatus sprite discovered by swamp fox. emax eternatus shiny sprite obtained from pokedex entry after i emaxed mine. normal gmax coalossal sprite obtained from emeraldstar. normal gmax duraludon sprite obtained from ink dragon. normal gmax eevee sprite obtained from vulpesdraconis. normal gmax blastoise sprite obtained from random prophet. normal gmax snorlax sprite obtained from kenneth. normal gmax lapras sprite obtained from misdreavous525. normal gmax corviknight sprite obtained from suguri. normal gmax inteleon sprite obtained from asherdashery
28/6/2024: shiny gmax sandaconda sprite obtained from cytosine. shiny gmax garbodor sprite obtained from imyourthirddad. shiny gmax machamp sprite obtained from gwineira
24/6/2024:normal gmax pikachu sprite obtained from zeldafan. gmax drednaw shiny sprite obtained from sunsette
22/6/2024 ~12 AM: star sweet matcha cream alcremie, strawberry sweet salted cream alcremie, flower sweet shiny alcremie, berry sweet salted cream alcremie, strawberry sweet ruby swirl alcremie, strawberry sweet caramel swirl alcremie, love sweet mint cream alcremie, love sweet lemon cream alcremie, love sweet caramel swirl alcremie, star sweet caramel swirl alcremie, clover sweet mint cream alcremie, clover sweet salted cream alcremie, clover sweet caramel swirl alcremie, flower sweet ruby cream alcremie, flower sweet mint cream alcremie, flower sweet salted cream alcremie, & flower sweet ruby swirl alcremie added. thanks to crosspeice for the alcremie collection, as all alcremie sprites have now been obtained
21/6/2024: shiny dipplin sprite added. gmax grimmsnarl normal obtained from fadedpolaris
19/6/2024: gmax coalossal shiny obtained from haeger. ribbon sweet lemon cream alcremie & ribbon sweet ruby swirl alcremie added
19/6/2024 ~3 AM: normal gmax alcremie sprite added. berry sweet matcha cream alcremie, berry sweet lemon cream alcremie, love sweet salted cream alcremie, ribbon sweet salted cream alcremie, star sweet mint cream alcremie, star sweet ruby cream alcremie, berry sweet ruby swirl alcremie, clover sweet ruby swirl alcremie, strawberry sweet ruby cream alcremie added
18/6/2024: normal gmax butterfree sprite obtained thanks to my own butterfree. gmax toxtricity shiny obtained from imyourthirddad. gmax rillaboom shiny obtained from lpfan1212. gmax single strike urshifu shiny found by 96goni. gmax pikachu shiny found by demonic platypus. gmax appletun shiny obtained from equitial. ruby cream alcremie with ribbon sweet, salted cream alcremie with star sweet, matcha cream alcremie with flower sweet added
16/6/2024: another day of finding new gmax sprites continues! gmax eevee shiny found by jade. gmax rapid strike urshifu shiny found by toreador. shiny sprite for alcremie with strawberry sweet, love sweet, & ribbon sweet added, as well as rainbow swirl & ruby cream & caramel swirl alcremie with berry sweet + lemon cream alcremie with star sweet + ruby cream & ruby swirl & matcha cream alcremie with love sweet + matcha cream & mint cream alcremie with strawberry sweet + ruby cream & lemon cream alcremie with clover sweet + matcha cream & mint cream & caramel swirl alcremie with ribbon sweet
15/6/2024: thanks to @cytosine i have received the list of credits for the new artists + added them in! gmax centiskorch found by beausey, shiny found by amberfunk, who also found gmax corviknight shiny. gmax alcremie shiny + gmax duraludon shiny found by isla de monte cristo. gmax inteleon shiny + gmax snorlax shiny + gmax alcremie shiny found by snipertower. gmax butterfree shiny + gmax cinderace shiny found by toreador. gmax lapras shiny found by kuraiko. gmax copperajah found by beausy, shiny found by gryphoncompanion. gmax orbeetle shiny found by keike. gmax charizard shiny found by puppytoast, who incidentally made it! gmax meowth found by beausy, shiny found by eryth violet, who also found gmax blastoise shiny. gmax grimmsnarl found by shintarooo. gmax venusaur shiny + gmax kingler shiny found by crosspeice. gmax flapple shiny found by buttermilkss. gmax machamp found by kazz
15/6/2024 ~12 AM: dipplin line added to paldea sprites
14/6/2024: happy gigantamax coin event, everyone! gigantamax section added to galar sprites, before galarian forms. milcery's line has also been added; shiny found by @shintaroo. thanks to isla de monte cristo both for organising the gmax sprite discovery sheet & for collecting so many rainbow swirl alcremie! gigantamax gengar shiny found by esc. gigantamax melmetal shiny found by keike. gigantamax garbodor sprite found by beausy
9/6/2024 ~5 AM: final sprite found also thanks to @cytosine! last missing one had been shiny indeedee f. now page is officially, currently complete.
9/6/2024 ~1 AM: thank you once again to @cytosine who has helped me to find 18 out of the 19 missing implemented sprites at completion of the page!
8/6/2024: finished galar section of sprites. new artists from galar section added to table of contents. began + finished hisui section of sprites. began + finished paldea section of sprites. found shiny sprite for poipole
7/6/24 ~3 AM: worked up until hatterene line in galar section of sprites. added a hisui section in table of contents to break it up from galar
6/6/24 ~1 AM: 9 missing sprites from alola & galar section added thanks to @level-x's help, thank you for the assistance!
5/6/2024 ~4 AM: finished galarian form section of sprites for galar
5/6/2024 ~1 AM: missing sprites added to kalos section [zygarde complete was not in kalos at the time so was not part of my requested sprites] + added list of artists to sidebar with links to their user ids + began galar section of sprites
4/6/2024: found all remaining 42 missing sprites in kalos due to @cytosine's help, thank you so much!
4/6/2024 ~5 AM: finished alola section of sprites
3/6/2024: finished mega section of sprites for kalos. began alola section of sprites & finished alolan form section of sprites for alola
3/6/2024 ~4 AM: finished kalos section of sprites not including megas
2/6/2024: first created page + began kalos section of sprites
GPX+'s Custom Sprites

This is a collection of all the custom sprites on the site GPX+ from Unova / Generation 5 onwards.

I've often wondered what a given Pokemon looks like on GPX, only to have been unable to find it on the wiki; one has to find sprites on the site themselves or not at all.

Therefore, as a reference point for myself and anyone else who needs it, I've decided to compile the sprites I come across while playing GPX here so that they can be more easily viewed.

If you have any information or a link to the page of a Pokemon with any of the missing sprites, please feel free to contact me with them.

Gen VI: Kalos

Dex Number Name Normal Shiny Artist
#0003 Mega Venusaur Normal sprite for Mega Venusaur. Shiny sprite for Mega Venusaur. GlitchedBat
#0006 Mega Charizard X Normal sprite for Mega Charizard X. Shiny sprite for Mega Charizard X. Synx Itax
Mega Charizard Y Normal sprite for Mega Charizard Y. Shiny sprite for Mega Charizard Y. GlitchedBat
#0009 Mega Blastoise Normal sprite for Mega Blastoise. Shiny sprite for Mega Blastoise. StukAktuZ
#0015 Mega Beedrill Normal sprite for Mega Beedrill. Shiny sprite for Mega Beedrill. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0018 Mega Pidgeot Normal sprite for Mega Pidgeot. Shiny sprite for Mega Pidgeot. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0080 Mega Slowbro Normal sprite for Mega Slowbro. Shiny sprite for Mega Slowbro. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0065 Mega Alakazam Normal sprite for Mega Alakazam. Shiny sprite for Mega Alakazam. Giraffe A Laugh
#0094 Mega Gengar Normal sprite for Mega Gengar. Shiny sprite for Mega Gengar. Rhapsody
#0115 Mega Kangaskhan Normal sprite for Mega Kangaskhan. Shiny sprite for Mega Kangaskhan. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0127 Mega Pinsir Normal sprite for Mega Pinsir. Shiny sprite for Mega Pinsir. StukAktuZ
#0130 Mega Gyarados Normal sprite for Mega Gyarados. Shiny sprite for Mega Gyarados. Rhapsody
#0142 Mega Aerodactyl Normal sprite for Mega Aerodactyl. Shiny sprite for Mega Aerodactyl. Synx Itax
#0150 Mega Mewtwo X Normal sprite for Mega Mewtwo X. Shiny sprite for Mega Mewtwo X. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Mega Mewtwo Y Normal sprite for Mega Mewtwo Y. Shiny sprite for Mega Mewtwo Y. GlitchedBat
#0181 Mega Ampharos Normal sprite for Mega Ampharos. Shiny sprite for Mega Ampharos. Rhapsody
#0208 Mega Steelix Normal sprite for Mega Steelix. Shiny sprite for Mega Steelix. GlitchedBat
#0212 Mega Scizor Normal sprite for Mega Scizor. Shiny sprite for Mega Scizor. Synx Itax
#0214 Mega Heracross Normal sprite for Mega Heracross. Shiny sprite for Mega Heracross. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0229 Mega Houndoom Normal sprite for Mega Houndoom. Shiny sprite for Mega Houndoom. Galahawk
#0248 Mega Tyranitar Normal sprite for Mega Tyranitar. Shiny sprite for Mega Tyranitar. GlitchedBat
#0254 Mega Sceptile Normal sprite for Mega Sceptile. Shiny sprite for Mega Sceptile. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0257 Mega Blaziken Normal sprite for Mega Blaziken. Shiny sprite for Mega Blaziken. GlitchedBat
#0260 Mega Swampert Normal sprite for Mega Swampert. Shiny sprite for Mega Swampert. GlitchedBat
#0282 Mega Gardevoir Normal sprite for Mega Gardevoir. Shiny sprite for Mega Gardevoir. Rhapsody
#0302 Mega Sableye Normal sprite for Mega Sableye. Shiny sprite for Mega Sableye. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0303 Mega Mawile Normal sprite for Mega Mawile. Shiny sprite for Mega Mawile. Nic
#0306 Mega Aggron Normal sprite for Mega Aggron. Shiny sprite for Mega Aggron. GlitchedBat
#0308 Mega Medicham Normal sprite for Mega Medicham. Shiny sprite for Mega Medicham. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0310 Mega Manectric Normal sprite for Mega Manectric. Shiny sprite for Mega Manectric. Galahawk
#0319 Mega Sharpedo Normal sprite for Mega Sharpedo. Shiny sprite for Mega Sharpedo. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0323 Mega Camerupt Normal sprite for Mega Camerupt. Shiny sprite for Mega Camerupt. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0334 Mega Altaria Normal sprite for Mega Altaria. Shiny sprite for Mega Altaria. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0354 Mega Banette Normal sprite for Mega Banette. Shiny sprite for Mega Banette. GlitchedBat
#0359 Mega Absol Normal sprite for Mega Absol. Shiny sprite for Mega Absol. Galahawk
#0362 Mega Glalie Normal sprite for Mega Glalie. Shiny sprite for Mega Glalie. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0373 Mega Salamence Normal sprite for Mega Salamence. Shiny sprite for Mega Salamence. Synx Itax
#0376 Mega Metagross Normal sprite for Mega Metagross. Shiny sprite for Mega Metagross. Carefactorzero
#0380 Mega Latias Normal sprite for Mega Latias. Shiny sprite for Mega Latias. Galahawk
#0381 Mega Latios Normal sprite for Mega Latios. Shiny sprite for Mega Latios. Galahawk
#0382 Primal Kyogre Normal sprite for Primal Kyogre. Shiny sprite for Primal Kyogre. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0383 Primal Groudon Normal sprite for Primal Groudon. Shiny sprite for Primal Groudon. GlitchedBat
#0384 Mega Rayquaza Normal sprite for Mega Rayquaza. Shiny sprite for Mega Rayquaza. Pokii & Carefactorzero
#0428 Mega Lopunny Normal sprite for Mega Lopunny. Shiny sprite for Mega Lopunny. GlitchedBat
#0445 Mega Garchomp Normal sprite for Mega Garchomp. Shiny sprite for Mega Garchomp. StukAktuZ
#0448 Mega Lucario Normal sprite for Mega Lucario. Shiny sprite for Mega Lucario. Giraffe A Laugh
#0460 Mega Abomasnow Normal sprite for Mega Abomasnow. Shiny sprite for Mega Abomasnow. GlitchedBat
#0475 Mega Gallade Normal sprite for Mega Gallade. Shiny sprite for Mega Gallade. GlitchedBat
#0531 Mega Audino Normal sprite for Mega Audino. Shiny sprite for Mega Audino. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0719 Mega Diancie Normal sprite for Mega Diancie. Shiny sprite for Mega Diancie. Rhapsody

Dex Number Name Normal Shiny Artist
#0650 Chespin Normal sprite for Chespin. Shiny sprite for Chespin. Rhapsody
#0651 Quilladin Normal sprite for Quilldain. Shiny sprite for Quilldain. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0652 Chesnaught Normal sprite for Chesnaught. Shiny sprite for Chesnaught. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0653 Fennekin Normal sprite for Fennekin. Shiny sprite for Fennekin. GlitchedBat
#0654 Braixen Normal sprite for Braixen. Shiny sprite for Braixen. GlitchedBat
#0655 Delphox Normal sprite for Delphox. Shiny sprite for Delphox. GlitchedBat
#0656 Froakie Normal sprite for Froakie. Shiny sprite for Froakie. Commander Wymsy
#0657 Frogadier Normal sprite for Frogadier. Shiny sprite for Frogadier. GlitchedBat
#0658 Greninja Normal sprite for Greninja. Shiny sprite for Greninja. GlitchedBat
Ash-Greninja Normal sprite for Greninja's Battle Bonded form. Shiny sprite for Greninja's Battle Bonded form. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0659 Bunnelby Normal sprite for Bunnelby. Shiny sprite for Bunnelby. Nic & PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0660 Diggersby Normal sprite for Diggersby. Shiny sprite for Diggersby. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0661 Fletchling Normal sprite for Fletchling. Shiny sprite for Fletchling. StukAktuZ
#0662 Fletchinder Normal sprite for Fletchinder. Shiny sprite for Fletchinder. Rhapsody & StukAktuZ
#0663 Talonflame Normal sprite for Talonflame. Shiny sprite for Talonflame. StukAktuZ
#0664 Scatterbug Normal sprite for Scatterbug. Shiny sprite for Scatterbug. StukAktuZ
#0665 Spewpa Normal sprite for Spewpa. Shiny sprite for Spewpa. StukAktuZ
#0666 Vivillon [Meadow] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Meadow pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Meadow pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Archipelago] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Archipelago pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Archipelago pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Continental] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Continental pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Continental pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Elegant] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Elegant pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Elegant pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Fancy] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Fancy pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Fancy pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Garden] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Garden pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Garden pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [High Plains] Normal sprite for Vivillon's High Plains pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's High Plains pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Icy Snow] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Icy Snow pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Icy Snow pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Jungle] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Jungle pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Jungle pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Marine] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Marine pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Marine pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Modern] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Modern pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Modern pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Monsoon] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Monsoon pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Monsoon pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Ocean] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Ocean pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Ocean pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Poké Ball] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Poke Ball pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Poke Ball pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Polar] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Polar pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Polar pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [River] Normal sprite for Vivillon's River pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's River pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Sandstorm] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Sandstorm pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Sandstorm pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Savannah] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Savannah pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Savannah pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Sun] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Sun pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Sun pattern. StukAktuZ
Vivillon [Tundra] Normal sprite for Vivillon's Tundra pattern. Shiny sprite for Vivillon's Tundra pattern. StukAktuZ
#0667 Litleo Normal sprite for Litleo. Shiny sprite for Litleo. Nic
#0668 Pyroar [F] Normal sprite for Pyroar's female form. Shiny sprite for Pyroar's female form. Galahawk & Synx Itax
Pyroar [M] Normal sprite for Pyroar's male form. Shiny sprite for Pyroar's male form. Galahawk & Synx Itax
#0669 Flabebe [Red] Normal sprite for red flower Flabebe. Shiny sprite for red flower Flabebe. Nic
Flabebe [Yellow] Normal sprite for yellow flower Flabebe. Shiny sprite for yellow flower Flabebe. Nic
Flabebe [Orange] Normal sprite for orange flower Flabebe. Shiny sprite for orange flower Flabebe. Nic
Flabebe [Blue] Normal sprite for blue flower Flabebe. Shiny sprite for blue flower Flabebe. Nic
Flabebe [White] Normal sprite for white flower Flabebe. Shiny sprite for white flower Flabebe. Nic
#0670 Floette [Red] Normal sprite for red flower Floette. Shiny sprite for red flower Floette. Nic
Floette [Yellow] Normal sprite for yellow flower Floette. Shiny sprite for yellow flower Floette. Nic
Floette [Orange] Normal sprite for orange flower Floette. Shiny sprite for orange flower Floette. Nic
Floette [Blue] Normal sprite for blue flower Floette. Shiny sprite for blue flower Floette. Nic
Floette [White] Normal sprite for white flower Floette. Shiny sprite for white flower Floette. Nic
#0671 Florges [Red] Normal sprite for red flower Florges. Shiny sprite for red flower Florges. Nic
Florges [Yellow] Normal sprite for yellow flower Florges. Shiny sprite for yellow flower Florges. Nic
Florges [Orange] Normal sprite for orange flower Florges. Shiny sprite for orange flower Florges. Nic
Florges [Blue] Normal sprite for blue flower Florges. Shiny sprite for blue flower Florges. Nic
Florges [White] Normal sprite for white flower Florges. Shiny sprite for white flower Florges. Nic
#0672 Skiddo Normal sprite for Skiddo. Shiny sprite for Skiddo. GlitchedBat
#0673 Gogoat Normal sprite for Gogoat. Shiny sprite for Gogoat. GlitchedBat
#0674 Pancham Normal sprite for Pancham. Shiny sprite for Pancham. Galahawk
#0675 Pangoro Normal sprite for Pangoro. Shiny sprite for Pangoro. Galahawk
#0676 Furfrou [Natural] Normal sprite for Furfrou with untrimmed fur. Shiny sprite for Furfrou with untrimmed fur. GlitchedBat
Furfrou [Heart] Normal sprite for Furfrou with Heart trim fur. Shiny sprite for Furfrou with Heart trim fur. GlitchedBat
Furfrou [Star] Normal sprite for Furfrou with Star trim fur. Shiny sprite for Furfrou with Star trim fur. GlitchedBat
Furfrou [Diamond] Normal sprite for Furfrou with Diamond trim fur. Shiny sprite for Furfrou with Diamond trim fur. GlitchedBat
Furfrou [Debutante] Normal sprite for Furfrou with Debutante trim fur. Shiny sprite for Furfrou with Debutante trim fur. GlitchedBat
Furfrou [Matron] Normal sprite for Furfrou with Matron trim fur. Shiny sprite for Furfrou with Matron trim fur. GlitchedBat
Furfrou [Dandy] Normal sprite for Furfrou with Dandy trim fur. Shiny sprite for Furfrou with Dandy trim fur. GlitchedBat
Furfrou [La Reine] Normal sprite for Furfrou with La Reine trim fur. Shiny sprite for Furfrou with La Reine trim fur. GlitchedBat
Furfrou [Kabuki] Normal sprite for Furfrou with Kabuki trim fur. Shiny sprite for Furfrou with Kabuki trim fur. GlitchedBat
Furfrou [Pharaoh] Normal sprite for Furfrou with Pharaoh trim fur. Shiny sprite for Furfrou with Pharaoh trim fur. GlitchedBat
#0677 Espurr Normal sprite for Espurr. Shiny sprite for Espurr. StukAktuZ
#0678 Meowstic [F] Normal sprite for Meowstic's female form. Shiny sprite for Meowstic's female form. StukAktuZ
Meowstic [M] Normal sprite for Meowstic's male form. Shiny sprite for Meowstic's male form. StukAktuZ
#0679 Honedge Normal sprite for Honedge. Shiny sprite for Honedge. Synx Itax
#0680 Doublade Normal sprite for Doublade. Shiny sprite for Doublade. Giraffe A Laugh
#0681 Aegislash [Shield] Normal sprite for Aegislash's Shield form. Shiny sprite for Aegislash's Shield form. Galahawk
Aegislash [Blade] Normal sprite for Aegislash's Blade form. Shiny sprite for Aegislash's Blade form. Galahawk
#0682 Spritzee Normal sprite for Spritzee. Shiny sprite for Spritzee. StukAktuZ
#0683 Aromatisse Normal sprite for Aromatisse. Shiny sprite for Aromatisse. Synx Itax
#0684 Swirlix Normal sprite for Swirlix. Shiny sprite for Swirlix. Nic
#0685 Slurpuff Normal sprite for Slurpuff. Shiny sprite for Slurpuff. Nic
#0686 Inkay Normal sprite for Inkay. Shiny sprite for Inkay. StukAktuZ
#0687 Malamar Normal sprite for Malamar. Shiny sprite for Malamar. StukAktuZ
#0688 Binacle Normal sprite for Binacle. Shiny sprite for Binacle. Synx Itax
#0689 Barbaracle Normal sprite for Barbaracle. Shiny sprite for Barbaracle. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0690 Skrelp Normal sprite for Skrelp. Shiny sprite for Skrelp. Rhapsody
#0691 Dragalge Normal sprite for Dragalge. Shiny sprite for Dragalge. Synx Itax
#0692 Clauncher Normal sprite for Clauncher. Shiny sprite for Clauncher. StukAktuZ
#0693 Clawitzer Normal sprite for Clawitzer. Shiny sprite for Clawitzer. StukAktuZ
#0694 Helioptile Normal sprite for Helioptile. Shiny sprite for Helioptile. Rhapsody
#0695 Heliolisk Normal sprite for Heliolisk. Shiny sprite for Heliolisk. Rhapsody
#0696 Tyrunt Normal sprite for Tyrunt. Shiny sprite for Tyrunt. StukAktuZ
#0697 Tyrantrum Normal sprite for Tyrantrum. Shiny sprite for Tyrantrum. Synx Itax
#0698 Amaura Normal sprite for Amaura. Shiny sprite for Amaura. StukAktuZ
#0699 Aurorus Normal sprite for Aurorus. Shiny sprite for Aurorus. Galahawk
#0700 Sylveon Normal sprite for Sylveon. Shiny sprite for Sylveon. Galahawk
#0701 Hawlucha Normal sprite for Hawlucha. Shiny sprite for Hawlucha. Synx Itax
#0702 Dedenne Normal sprite for Dedenne. Shiny sprite for Dedenne. Kazyx
#0703 Carbink Normal sprite for Carbink. Shiny sprite for Carbink. Synx Itax
#0704 Goomy Normal sprite for Goomy. Shiny sprite for Goomy. GlitchedBat
#0705 Sliggoo Normal sprite for Sliggoo. Shiny sprite for Sliggoo. GlitchedBat
#0706 Goodra Normal sprite for Goodra. Shiny sprite for Goodra. GlitchedBat
#0707 Klefki Normal sprite for Klefki. Shiny sprite for Klefki. Synx Itax
#0708 Phantump Normal sprite for Phantump. Shiny sprite for Phantump. GlitchedBat
#0709 Trevenant Normal sprite for Trevenant. Shiny sprite for Trevenant. GlitchedBat
#0710 Pumpkaboo Normal sprite for Pumpkaboo. Shiny sprite for Pumpkaboo. Galahawk
#0711 Gourgeist Normal sprite for Gourgeist. Shiny sprite for Gourgeist. Galahawk
#0712 Bergmite Normal sprite for Bergmite. Shiny sprite for Bergmite. Synx Itax
#0713 Avalugg Normal sprite for Avalugg. Shiny sprite for Avalugg. Synx Itax
#0714 Noibat Normal sprite for Noibat. Shiny sprite for Noibat. Synx Itax
#0715 Noivern Normal sprite for Noivern. Shiny sprite for Noivern. Synx Itax
#0716 Xerneas [Neutral] Normal sprite for Xerneas in its Neutral form. Shiny sprite for Xerneas in its Neutral form. Galahawk
Xerneas [Active] Normal sprite for Xerneas in its Active form. Shiny sprite for Xerneas in its Active form. Galahawk
#0717 Yveltal Normal sprite for Yveltal. Shiny sprite for Yveltal. Synx Itax
#0718 Zygarde [50%] Normal sprite for Zygarde's 50% complete form. Shiny sprite for Zygarde's 50% complete form. Synx Itax
Zygarde [10%] Normal sprite for Zygarde's 10% complete form. Shiny sprite for Zygarde's 10% complete form. Yamper
Zygarde [Complete] Normal sprite for Zygarde's 100% complete form. Shiny sprite for Zygarde's 100% complete form. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0719 Diancie Normal sprite for Diancie. Shiny sprite for Diancie. Giraffe A Laugh
#0720 Hoopa [Confined] Normal sprite for Hoopa's Confined form. Shiny sprite for Hoopa's Confined form. GlitchedBat
Hoopa [Unbound] Normal sprite for Hoopa's Unbound form.. Shiny sprite for Hoopa's Unbound form. GlitchedBat
#0721 Volcanion Normal sprite for Volcanion. Shiny sprite for Volcanion. Synx Itax

Gen VII: Alola

Dex Number Name Normal Shiny Artist
#0019 Alolan Rattata Normal sprite for Alolan Rattata. Shiny sprite for Alolan Rattata. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0020 Alolan Raticate Normal sprite for Alolan Raticate. Shiny sprite for Alolan Raticate. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0026 Alolan Raichu Normal sprite for Alolan Raichu. Shiny sprite for Alolan Raichu. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0027 Alolan Sandshrew Normal sprite for Alolan Sandshrew. Shiny sprite for Alolan Sandshrew. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0028 Alolan Sandslash Normal sprite for Alolan Sandslash. Shiny sprite for Alolan Sandslash. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0037 Alolan Vulpix Normal sprite for Alolan Vulpix. Shiny sprite for Alolan Vulpix. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0038 Alolan Ninetales Normal sprite for Alolan Ninetales. Shiny sprite for Alolan Ninetales. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0050 Alolan Diglett Normal sprite for Alolan Diglett. Shiny sprite for Alolan Diglett. Letan
#0051 Alolan Dugtrio Normal sprite for Alolan Dugtrio. Shiny sprite for Alolan Dugtrio. Letan
#0052 Alolan Meowth Normal sprite for Alolan Meowth. Shiny sprite for Alolan Meowth. Synx Itax
#0053 Alolan Persian Normal sprite for Alolan Persian. Shiny sprite for Alolan Persian. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0074 Alolan Geodude Normal sprite for Alolan Geodude. Shiny sprite for Alolan Geodude. Letan
#0075 Alolan Graveler Normal sprite for Alolan Graveler. Shiny sprite for Alolan Graveler. Letan
#0076 Alolan Golem Normal sprite for Alolan Golem. Shiny sprite for Alolan Golem. Letan
#0088 Alolan Grimer Normal sprite for Alolan Grimer. Shiny sprite for Alolan Grimer. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0089 Alolan Muk Normal sprite for Alolan Muk. Shiny sprite for Alolan Muk. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0103 Alolan Exeggutor Normal sprite for Alolan Exeggutor. Shiny sprite for Alolan Exeggutor. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0105 Alolan Marowak Normal sprite for Alolan Marowak. Shiny sprite for Alolan Marowak. PokeNOM NOM NOM

Dex Number Name Normal Shiny Artist
#0722 Rowlet Normal sprite for Rowlet. Shiny sprite for Rowlet. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0723 Dartrix Normal sprite for Dartrix. Shiny sprite for Dartrix. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0724 Decidueye Normal sprite for Decidueye. Shiny sprite for Decidueye. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0725 Litten Normal sprite for Litten. Shiny sprite for Litten. Synx Itax
#0726 Torracat Normal sprite for Torracat. Shiny sprite for Torracat. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0727 Incineroar Normal sprite for Incineroar. Shiny sprite for Incineroar. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0728 Popplio Normal sprite for Popplio. Shiny sprite for Popplio. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0729 Brionne Normal sprite for Brionne. Shiny sprite for Brionne. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0730 Primarina Normal sprite for Primarina. Shiny sprite for Primarina. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0731 Pikipek Normal sprite for Pikipek. Shiny sprite for Pikipek. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0732 Trumbeak Normal sprite for Trumbeak. Shiny sprite for Trumbeak. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0733 Toucannon Normal sprite for Toucannon. Shiny sprite for Toucannon. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0734 Yungoos Normal sprite for Yungoos. Shiny sprite for Yungoos. Letan
#0735 Gumshoos Normal sprite for Gumshoos. Shiny sprite for Gumshoos. Letan
#0736 Grubbin Normal sprite for Grubbin. Shiny sprite for Grubbin. Letan
#0737 Charjabug Normal sprite for Charjabug. Shiny sprite for Charjabug. Letan
#0738 Vikavolt Normal sprite for Vikavolt. Shiny sprite for Vikavolt. Letan
#0739 Crabrawler Normal sprite for Crabrawler. Shiny sprite for Crabrawler. Letan
#0740 Crabominable Normal sprite for Crabominable. Shiny sprite for Crabominable. Letan
#0741 Oricorio [Baile] Normal sprite for Oricorio in Baile style. Shiny sprite for Oricorio in Baile style. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Oricorio [Pa'u] Normal sprite for Oricorio in Pa'u style. Shiny sprite for Oricorio in Pa'u style. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Oricorio [Pom-Pom] Normal sprite for Oricorio in Pom-Pom style. Shiny sprite for Oricorio in Pom-Pom style. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Oricorio [Sensu] Normal sprite for Oricorio in Sensu style. Shiny sprite for Oricorio in Sensu style. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0742 Cutiefly Normal sprite for Cutiefly. Shiny sprite for Cutiefly. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0743 Ribombee Normal sprite for Ribombee. Shiny sprite for Ribombee. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0744 Rockruff Normal sprite for Rockruff. Shiny sprite for Rockruff. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0745 Lycanroc [Midday] Normal sprite for Lycanroc's Midday form. Shiny sprite for Lycanroc's Midday form. Rhapsody
Lycanroc [Midnight] Normal sprite for Lycanroc's Midnight form. Shiny sprite for Lycanroc's Midnight form. Rhapsody
Lycanroc [Dusk] Normal sprite for Lycanroc's Dusk form. Shiny sprite for Lycanroc's Dusk form. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0746 Wishiwashi [Solo] Normal sprite for Wishiwashi's Solo form. Shiny sprite for Wishiwashi's Solo form. Letan
Wishiwashi [School] Normal sprite for Wishiwashi's School form. Shiny sprite for Wishiwashi's School form. Letan
#0747 Mareanie Normal sprite for Mareanie. Shiny sprite for Mareanie. Letan
#0748 Toxapex Normal sprite for Toxapex. Shiny sprite for Toxapex. Letan
#0749 Mudbray Normal sprite for Mudbray. Shiny sprite for Mudbray. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0750 Mudsdale Normal sprite for Mudsdale. Shiny sprite for Mudsdale. Volmise
#0751 Dewpider Normal sprite for Dewpider. Shiny sprite for Dewpider. Letan
#0752 Araquanid Normal sprite for Araquanid. Shiny sprite for Araquanid. Letan
#0753 Fomantis Normal sprite for Fomantis. Shiny sprite for Fomantis. GlitchedBat
#0754 Lurantis Normal sprite for Lurantis. Shiny sprite for Lurantis. GlitchedBat & PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0755 Morelull Normal sprite for Morelull. Shiny sprite for Morelull. Bonnie Clyde & PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0756 Shiinotic Normal sprite for Shiinotic. Shiny sprite for Shiinotic. Letan & PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0757 Salandit Normal sprite for Salandit. Shiny sprite for Salandit. Volmise
#0758 Salazzle Normal sprite for Salazzle. Shiny sprite for Salazzle. Synx Itax
#0759 Stufful Normal sprite for Stufful. Shiny sprite for Stufful. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0760 Bewear Normal sprite for Bewear. Shiny sprite for Bewear. Volmise
#0761 Bounsweet Normal sprite for Bounsweet. Shiny sprite for Bounsweet. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0762 Steenee Normal sprite for Steenee. Shiny sprite for Steenee. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0763 Tsareena Normal sprite for Tsareena. Shiny sprite for Tsareena. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0764 Comfey Normal sprite for Comfey. Shiny sprite for Comfey. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0765 Oranguru Normal sprite for Oranguru. Shiny sprite for Oranguru. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0766 Passimian Normal sprite for Passimian. Shiny sprite for Passimian. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0767 Wimpod Normal sprite for Wimpod. Shiny sprite for Wimpod. Giraffe A Laugh
#0768 Golisopod Normal sprite for Golisopod. Shiny sprite for Golisopod. Giraffe A Laugh & PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0769 Sandygast Normal sprite for Sandygast. Shiny sprite for Sandygast. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0770 Palossand Normal sprite for Palossand. Shiny sprite for Palossand. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0771 Pyukumuku Normal sprite for Pyukumuku. Shiny sprite for Pyukumuku. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0772 Type: Null Normal sprite for Type: Null. Shiny sprite for Type: Null. Letan
#0773 Silvally [Normal] Normal sprite for Silvally's normal form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's normal form. Letan
Silvally [Bug] Normal sprite for Silvally's Bug type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Bug type form. Letan
Silvally [Dark] Normal sprite for Silvally's Dark type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Dark type form. Letan
Silvally [Dragon] Normal sprite for Silvally's Dragon type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Dragon type form. Letan
Silvally [Electric] Normal sprite for Silvally's Electric type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Electric type form. Letan
Silvally [Fairy] Normal sprite for Silvally's Fairy type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Fairy type form. Letan
Silvally [Fighting] Normal sprite for Silvally's Fighting type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Fighting type form. Letan
Silvally [Fire] Normal sprite for Silvally's Fire type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Fire type form. Letan
Silvally [Flying] Normal sprite for Silvally's Flying type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Flying type form. Letan
Silvally [Ghost] Normal sprite for Silvally's Ghost type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Ghost type form. Letan
Silvally [Grass] Normal sprite for Silvally's Grass type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Grass type form. Letan
Silvally [Ground] Normal sprite for Silvally's Ground type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Ground type form. Letan
Silvally [Ice] Normal sprite for Silvally's Ice type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Ice type form. Letan
Silvally [Poison] Normal sprite for Silvally's Poison type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Poison type form. Letan
Silvally [Psychic] Normal sprite for Silvally's Psychic type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Psychic type form. Letan
Silvally [Rock] Normal sprite for Silvally's Rock type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Rock type form. Letan
Silvally [Steel] Normal sprite for Silvally's Steel type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Steel type form. Letan
Silvally [Water] Normal sprite for Silvally's Water type form. Shiny sprite for Silvally's Water type form. Letan
#0774 Minior [Meteor] Normal sprite for Minior's meteor form. Shiny sprite for Minior's meteor form. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Minior [Red Core] Normal sprite for Minior's red core form. Shiny sprite for Minior's core form. All core colours have the same shiny. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Minior [Orange Core] Normal sprite for Minior's orange core form. Shiny sprite for Minior's core form. All core colours have the same shiny. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Minior [Yellow Core] Normal sprite for Minior's yellow core form. Shiny sprite for Minior's core form. All core colours have the same shiny. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Minior [Green Core] Normal sprite for Minior's green core form. Shiny sprite for Minior's core form. All core colours have the same shiny. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Minior [Blue Core] Normal sprite for Minior's blue core form. Shiny sprite for Minior's core form. All core colours have the same shiny. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Minior [Indigo Core] Normal sprite for Minior's indigo core form. Shiny sprite for Minior's core form. All core colours have the same shiny. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Minior [Violet Core] Normal sprite for Minior's violet core form. Shiny sprite for Minior's core form. All core colours have the same shiny. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0775 Komala Normal sprite for Komala. Shiny sprite for Komala. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0776 Turtonator Normal sprite for Turtonator. Shiny sprite for Turtonator. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0777 Togedemaru Normal sprite for Togedemaru. Shiny sprite for Togedemaru. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0778 Mimikyu Normal sprite for Mimikyu. Shiny sprite for Mimikyu. Letan
#0779 Bruxish Normal sprite for Bruxish. Shiny sprite for Bruxish. Bonnie Clyde
#0780 Drampa Normal sprite for Drampa. Shiny sprite for Drampa. Volmise
#0781 Dhelmise Normal sprite for Dhelmise. Shiny sprite for Dhelmise. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0782 Jangmo-o Normal sprite for Jangmo-o. Shiny sprite for Jangmo-o. Synx Itax
#0783 Hakamo-o Normal sprite for Hakamo-o. Shiny sprite for Hakamo-o. Synx Itax
#0784 Kommo-o Normal sprite for Kommo-o. Shiny sprite for Kommo-o. Synx Itax
#0785 Tapu Koko Normal sprite for Tapu Koko. Shiny sprite for Tapu Koko. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0786 Tapu Lele Normal sprite for Tapu Lele. Shiny sprite for Tapu Lele. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0787 Tapu Bulu Normal sprite for Tapu Bulu. Shiny sprite for Tapu Bulu. Yamper
#0788 Tapu Fini Normal sprite for Tapu Fini. Shiny sprite for Tapu Fini. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0789 Cosmog Normal sprite for Cosmog. Shiny sprite for Cosmog. GlitchedBat & PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0790 Cosmoem Normal sprite for Cosmoem. Shiny sprite for Cosmoem. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0791 Solgaleo Normal sprite for Solgaleo. Shiny sprite for Solgaleo. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Solgaleo [Radiant Sun] Normal sprite for Solgaleo's Radiant Sun form. Shiny sprite for Solgaleo's Radiant Sun form. Zefa
#0792 Lunala Normal sprite for Lunala. Shiny sprite for Lunala. Yamper
Lunala [Full Moon] Normal sprite for Lunala's Full Moon form. Shiny sprite for Lunala's Full Moon form. Zefa
#0793 Nihilego Normal sprite for Nihilego. Shiny sprite for Nihilego. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0794 Buzzwole Normal sprite for Buzzwole. Shiny sprite for Buzzwole. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0795 Pheromosa Normal sprite for Pheromosa. Shiny sprite for Pheromosa. LightKunai
#0796 Xurkitree Normal sprite for Xurkitree. Shiny sprite for Xurkitree. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0797 Celesteela Normal sprite for Celesteela. Shiny sprite for Celesteela. LightKunai
#0798 Kartana Normal sprite for Kartana. Shiny sprite for Kartana. LightKunai
#0799 Guzzlord Normal sprite for Guzzlord. Shiny sprite for Guzzlord. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0800 Necrozma Normal sprite for Necrozma. Shiny sprite for Necrozma. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Necrozma [Dusk Mane] Normal sprite for Necrozma's Dusk Mane form. Shiny sprite for Necrozma's Dusk Mane form. LightKunai
Necrozma [Dawn Wings] Normal sprite for Necrozma's Dawn Wings form. Shiny sprite for Necrozma's Dawn Wings form. LightKunai
Necrozma [Ultra] Normal sprite for Necrozma's Ultra form. Shiny sprite for Necrozma's Ultra form. Entomolojest
#0801 Magearna Normal sprite for Magearna. Shiny sprite for Magearna. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Magearna [Original Color] Normal sprite for Magearna in its original colours. Shiny sprite for Magearna in its original colours. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0802 Marshadow Normal sprite for Marshadow. Shiny sprite for Marshadow. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Marshadow [Zenith] Normal sprite for Marshadow's Zenith form. Shiny sprite for Marshadow's Zenith form. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0803 Poipole Normal sprite for Poipole. Shiny sprite for Poipole. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0804 Naganadel Normal sprite for Naganadel. Shiny sprite for Naganadel. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0805 Stakataka Normal sprite for Stakataka. Shiny sprite for Stakataka. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0806 Blacephalon Normal sprite for Blacephalon. Shiny sprite for Blacephalon. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0807 Zeraora Normal sprite for Zeraora. Shiny sprite for Zeraora. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0808 Meltan Normal sprite for Meltan. Shiny sprite for Meltan. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0809 Melmetal Normal sprite for Melmetal. Shiny sprite for Melmetal. PokeNOM NOM NOM

Gen VIII: Galar

Dex Number Name Normal Shiny Artist
#0003 Gigantamax Venusaur Normal sprite for Gigantamax Venusaur. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Venusaur. Cytosine
#0006 Gigantamax Charizard Normal sprite for Gigantamax Charizard. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Charizard. PuppyToast
#0009 Gigantamax Blastoise Normal sprite for Gigantamax Blastoise. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Blastoise. Zefa
#0012 Gigantamax Butterfree Normal sprite for Gigantamax Butterfree. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Butterfree. Entomolojest
#0025 Gigantamax Pikachu Normal sprite for Gigantamax Pikachu. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Pikachu. Cytosine
#0052 Gigantamax Meowth Normal sprite for Gigantamax Meowth. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Meowth. Cytosine
#0068 Gigantamax Machamp Normal sprite for Gigantamax Machamp. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Machamp. Cytosine
#0094 Gigantamax Gengar Normal sprite for Gigantamax Gengar. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Gengar. Entomolojest
#0099 Gigantamax Kingler Normal sprite for Gigantamax Kingler. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Kingler. Cytosine
#0131 Gigantamax Lapras Normal sprite for Gigantamax Lapras. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Lapras. Cytosine
#0133 Gigantamax Eevee Normal sprite for Gigantamax Eevee. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Eevee. Entomolojest
#0143 Gigantamax Snorlax Normal sprite for Gigantamax Snorlax. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Snorlax. Cytosine
#0569 Gigantamax Garbodor Normal sprite for Gigantamax Garbodor. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Garbodor. Entomolojest
#0809 Gigantamax Melmetal Normal sprite for Gigantamax Melmetal. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Melmetal. Cytosine
#0812 Gigantamax Rillaboom Normal sprite for Gigantamax Rillaboom. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Rillaboom. Cytosine
#0815 Gigantamax Cinderace Normal sprite for Gigantamax Cinderace. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Cinderace. Cytosine
#0818 Gigantamax Inteleon Normal sprite for Gigantamax Inteleon. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Inteleon. Zefa
#0823 Gigantamax Corviknight Normal sprite for Gigantamax Corviknight. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Corviknight. Cytosine
#0826 Gigantamax Orbeetle Normal sprite for Gigantamax Orbeetle. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Orbeetle. Cytosine
#0834 Gigantamax Drednaw Normal sprite for Gigantamax Drednaw. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Drednaw. Cytosine
#0839 Gigantamax Coalossal Normal sprite for Gigantamax Coalossal. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Coalossal. Zefa
#0841 Gigantamax Flapple Normal sprite for Gigantamax Flapple. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Flapple. Cytosine
#0842 Gigantamax Appletun Normal sprite for Gigantamax Appletun. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Appletun. Cytosine
#0844 Gigantamax Sandaconda Normal sprite for Gigantamax Sandaconda. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Sandaconda. Cytosine
#0849 Gigantamax Toxtricity Normal sprite for Gigantamax Toxtricity. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Toxtricity. Zefa
#0851 Gigantamax Centiskorch Normal sprite for Gigantamax Centiskorch. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Centiskorch. Cytosine
#0858 Gigantamax Hatterene Normal sprite for Gigantamax Hatterene. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Hatterene. Cytosine
#0861 Gigantamax Grimmsnarl Normal sprite for Gigantamax Grimmsnarl. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Grimmsnarl. Zefa
#0869 Gigantamax Alcremie Normal sprite for Gigantamax Alcremie. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Alcremie. Thiinka [Cytosine - icons]
#0879 Gigantamax Copperajah Normal sprite for Gigantamax Copperajah. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Copperajah. Mosica
#0884 Gigantamax Duraludon Normal sprite for Gigantamax Duraludon. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Duraludon. Zefa
#0890 Eternamax Eternatus Normal sprite for Eternamax Eternatus. Shiny sprite for Eternamax Eternatus. Cytosine
#0892 Gigantamax Urshifu [Single Strike] Normal sprite for Gigantamax Single Strike Urshifu. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Single Strike Urshifu. Cytosine
Gigantamax Urshifu [Rapid Strike] Normal sprite for Gigantamax Rapid Strike Urshifu. Shiny sprite for Gigantamax Rapid Strike Urshifu. Cytosine

Dex Number Name Normal Shiny Artist
#0052 Galarian Meowth Normal sprite for Galarian Meowth. Shiny sprite for Galarian Meowth. PuppyToast
#0863 Perrserker Normal sprite for Perrserker. Shiny sprite for Perrserker. PuppyToast
#0077 Galarian Ponyta Normal sprite for Galarian Ponyta. Shiny sprite for Galarian Ponyta. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0078 Galarian Rapidash Normal sprite for Galarian Rapidash. Shiny sprite for Galarian Rapidash. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0079 Galarian Slowpoke Normal sprite for Galarian Slowpoke. Shiny sprite for Galarian Slowpoke. PuppyToast
#0080 Galarian Slowbro Normal sprite for Galarian Slowbro. Shiny sprite for Galarian Slowbro. PuppyToast
#0199 Galarian Slowking Normal sprite for Galarian Slowking. Shiny sprite for Galarian Slowking. PuppyToast
#0083 Galarian Farfetch'd Normal sprite for Galarian Farfetched. Shiny sprite for Galarian Farfetched. PuppyToast
#0865 Sirfetch'd Normal sprite for Sirfetched. Shiny sprite for Sirfetched. PuppyToast
#0110 Galarian Weezing Normal sprite for Galarian Weezing. Shiny sprite for Galarian Weezing. Cytosine
#0122 Galarian Mr. Mime Normal sprite for Galarian Mr. Mime. Shiny sprite for Galarian Mr. Mime. chalchiuhtli
#0866 Mr. Rime Normal sprite for Mr. Rime. Shiny sprite for Mr. Rime. chalchiuhtli
#0144 Galarian Articuno Normal sprite for Galarian Articuno. Shiny sprite for Galarian Articuno. Cytosine
#0145 Galarian Zapdos Normal sprite for Galarian Zapdos. Shiny sprite for Galarian Zapdos. Cytosine
#0146 Galarian Moltres Normal sprite for Galarian Moltres. Shiny sprite for Galarian Moltres. Cytosine
#0222 Galarian Corsola Normal sprite for Galarian Corsola. Shiny sprite for Galarian Corsola. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0864 Cursola Normal sprite for Cursola. Shiny sprite for Cursola. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0263 Galarian Zigzagoon Normal sprite for Galarian Zigzagoon. Shiny sprite for Galarian Zigzagoon. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0264 Galarian Linoone Normal sprite for Galarian Linoone. Shiny sprite for Galarian Linoone. LightKunai
#0862 Obstagoon Normal sprite for Obstagoon. Shiny sprite for Obstagoon. LightKunai
#0554 Galarian Darumaka Normal sprite for Galarian Darumaka. Shiny sprite for Galarian Darumaka. LightKunai
#0555 Galarian Darmanitan Normal sprite for Galarian Darmanitan. Shiny sprite for Galarian Darmanitan. LightKunai
Galarian Darmanitan [Zen] Normal sprite for Galarian Darmanitan's Zen mode. Shiny sprite for Galarian Darmanitan's Zen mode. LightKunai
#0562 Galarian Yamask Normal sprite for Galarian Yamask. Shiny sprite for Galarian Yamask. LightKunai
#0867 Runerigus Normal sprite for Runerigus. Shiny sprite for Runerigus. LightKunai
#0618 Galarian Stunfisk Normal sprite for Galarian Stunfisk. Shiny sprite for Galarian Stunfisk. chalchiuhtli

Dex Number Name Normal Shiny Artist
#0810 Grookey Normal sprite for Grookey. Shiny sprite for Grookey. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0811 Thwackey Normal sprite for Thwackey. Shiny sprite for Thwackey. LightKunai
#0812 Rillaboom Normal sprite for Rillaboom. Shiny sprite for Rillaboom. LightKunai
#0813 Scorbunny Normal sprite for Scorbunny. Shiny sprite for Scorbunny. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0814 Raboot Normal sprite for Raboot. Shiny sprite for Raboot. LightKunai
#0815 Cinderace Normal sprite for Cinderace. Shiny sprite for Cinderace. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0816 Sobble Normal sprite for Sobble. Shiny sprite for Sobble. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0817 Drizzile Normal sprite for Drizzile. Shiny sprite for Drizzile. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0818 Inteleon Normal sprite for Inteleon. Shiny sprite for Inteleon. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0819 Skwovet Normal sprite for Skwovet. Shiny sprite for Skwovet. LightKunai
#0820 Greedent Normal sprite for Greedent. Shiny sprite for Greedent. LightKunai
#0821 Rookidee Normal sprite for Rookidee. Shiny sprite for Rookidee. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0822 Corvisquire Normal sprite for Corvisquire. Shiny sprite for Corvisquire. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0823 Corviknight Normal sprite for Corviknight. Shiny sprite for Corviknight. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0824 Blipbug Normal sprite for Blipbug. Shiny sprite for Blipbug. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0825 Dottler Normal sprite for Dottler. Shiny sprite for Dottler. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0826 Orbeetle Normal sprite for Orbeetle. Shiny sprite for Orbeetle. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0827 Nickit Normal sprite for Nickit. Shiny sprite for Nickit. LightKunai
#0828 Thievul Normal sprite for Thievul. Shiny sprite for Thievul. LightKunai
#0829 Gossifleur Normal sprite for Gossifleur. Shiny sprite for Gossifleur. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0830 Eldegoss Normal sprite for Eldegoss. Shiny sprite for Eldegoss. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0831 Wooloo Normal sprite for Wooloo. Shiny sprite for Wooloo. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0832 Dubwool Normal sprite for Dubwool. Shiny sprite for Dubwool. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0833 Chewtle Normal sprite for Chewtle. Shiny sprite for Chewtle. Zefa
#0834 Drednaw Normal sprite for Drednaw. Shiny sprite for Drednaw. Zefa
#0835 Yamper Normal sprite for Yamper. Shiny sprite for Yamper. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0836 Boltund Normal sprite for Boltund. Shiny sprite for Boltund. Yamper
#0837 Rolycoly Normal sprite for Rolycoly. Shiny sprite for Rolycoly. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0838 Carkol Normal sprite for Carkol. Shiny sprite for Carkol. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0839 Coalossal Normal sprite for Coalossal. Shiny sprite for Coalossal. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0840 Applin Normal sprite for Applin. Shiny sprite for Applin. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0841 Flapple Normal sprite for Flapple. Shiny sprite for Flapple. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0842 Appletun Normal sprite for Appletun. Shiny sprite for Appletun. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0843 Silicobra Normal sprite for Silicobra. Shiny sprite for Silicobra. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0844 Sandaconda Normal sprite for Sandaconda. Shiny sprite for Sandaconda. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0845 Cramorant Normal sprite for Cramorant. Shiny sprite for Cramorant. Rhapsody
Cramorant [Gulping] Normal sprite for Cramorant in its gulping form; it has an Arrokuda partially swallowed in its mouth. Shiny sprite for Cramorant in its gulping form; it has an Arrokuda partially swallowed in its mouth. Entomolojest
Cramorant [Gorging] Normal sprite for Cramorant in its gorging form; it has a Pikachu partially swallowed in its mouth. Shiny sprite for Cramorant in its gorging form; it has a Pikachu partially swallowed in its mouth. Entomolojest
#0846 Arrokuda Normal sprite for Arrokuda. Shiny sprite for Arrokuda. Rhapsody
#0847 Barraskewda Normal sprite for Barraskewda. Shiny sprite for Barraskewda. Rhapsody
#0848 Toxel Normal sprite for Toxel. Shiny sprite for Toxel. Yamper
#0849 Toxtricity [Amped] Normal sprite for Toxtricity's Amped version. Shiny sprite for Toxtricity's Amped version. Yamper
Toxtricity [Low Key] Normal sprite for Toxtricity's Low Key version. Shiny sprite for Toxtricity's Low Key version. Rhapsody
#0850 Sizzlipede Normal sprite for Sizzlipede. Shiny sprite for Sizzlipede. LightKunai
#0851 Centiskorch Normal sprite for Centiskorch. Shiny sprite for Centiskorch. LightKunai
#0852 Clobbopus Normal sprite for Clobbopus. Shiny sprite for Clobbopus. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0853 Grapploct Normal sprite for Grapploct. Shiny sprite for Grapploct. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0854 Sinistea Normal sprite for Sinistea. Shiny sprite for Sinistea. Rhapsody
#0855 Polteageist Normal sprite for Polteageist. Shiny sprite for Polteageist. Rhapsody
#0856 Hatenna Normal sprite for Hatenna. Shiny sprite for Hatenna. chalchiuhtli
#0857 Hattrem Normal sprite for Hattrem. Shiny sprite for Hattrem. chalchiuhtli
#0858 Hatterene Normal sprite for Hatterene. Shiny sprite for Hatterene. Rhapsody
#0859 Impidimp Normal sprite for Impidimp. Shiny sprite for Impidimp. LightKunai
#0860 Morgrem Normal sprite for Morgrem. Shiny sprite for Morgrem. LightKunai
#0861 Grimmsnarl Normal sprite for Grimmsnarl. Shiny sprite for Grimmsnarl. LightKunai
#0868 Milcery Normal sprite for Milcery. Shiny sprite for Milcery. Thiinka
#0869 Alcremie [Vanilla Cream] Normal sprite for Alcremie's Vanilla Cream form with a Strawberry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Vanilla Cream form with a Berry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Vanilla Cream form with a Love sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Vanilla Cream form with a Star sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Vanilla Cream form with a Clover sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Vanilla Cream form with a Flower sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Vanilla Cream form with a Ribbon sweet. Shiny sprite for Alcremie with a Strawberry sweet. All shiny forms have the same flavour. Shiny sprite for Alcremie with a Berry sweet. All shiny forms have the same flavour. Shiny sprite for Alcremie with a Love sweet. All shiny forms have the same flavour. Shiny sprite for Alcremie with a Star sweet. All shiny forms have the same flavour. Shiny sprite for Alcremie with a Clover sweet. All shiny forms have the same flavour. Shiny sprite for Alcremie with a Flower sweet. All shiny forms have the same flavour. Shiny sprite for Alcremie with a Ribbon sweet. All shiny forms have the same flavour. Thiinka
Alcremie [Ruby Cream] Normal sprite for Alcremie's Ruby Cream form with a Strawberry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Ruby Cream form with a Berry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Ruby Cream form with a Love sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Ruby Cream form with a Star sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Ruby Cream form with a Clover sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Ruby Cream form with a Flower sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Ruby Cream form with a Ribbon sweet. Thiinka
Alcremie [Matcha Cream] Normal sprite for Alcremie's Matcha Cream form with a Strawberry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Matcha Cream form with a Berry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Matcha Cream form with a Love sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Matcha Cream form with a Star sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Matcha Cream form with a Clover sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Matcha Cream form with a Flower sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Matcha Cream form with a Ribbon sweet. Thiinka
Alcremie [Mint Cream] Normal sprite for Alcremie's Mint Cream form with a Strawberry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Mint Cream form with a Berry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Mint Cream form with a Love sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Mint Cream form with a Star sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Mint Cream form with a Clover sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Mint Cream form with a Flower sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Mint Cream form with a Ribbon sweet. Thiinka
Alcremie [Lemon Cream] Normal sprite for Alcremie's Lemon Cream form with a Strawberry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Lemon Cream form with a Berry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Lemon Cream form with a Love sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Lemon Cream form with a Star sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Lemon Cream form with a Clover sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Lemon Cream form with a Flower sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Lemon Cream form with a Ribbon sweet. Thiinka
Alcremie [Salted Cream] Normal sprite for Alcremie's Salted Cream form with a Strawberry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Salted Cream form with a Berry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Salted Cream form with a Love sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Salted Cream form with a Star sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Salted Cream form with a Clover sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Salted Cream form with a Flower sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Salted Cream form with a Ribbon sweet. Thiinka
Alcremie [Ruby Swirl] Normal sprite for Alcremie's Ruby Swirl form with a Strawberry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Ruby Swirl form with a Berry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Ruby Swirl form with a Love sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Ruby Swirl form with a Star sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Ruby Swirl form with a Clover sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Ruby Swirl form with a Flower sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Ruby Swirl form with a Ribbon sweet. Thiinka
Alcremie [Caramel Swirl] Normal sprite for Alcremie's Caramel Swirl form with a Strawberry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Caramel Swirl form with a Berry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Caramel Swirl form with a Love sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Caramel Swirl form with a Star sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Caramel Swirl form with a Clover sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Caramel Swirl form with a Flower sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Caramel Swirl form with a Ribbon sweet. Thiinka
Alcremie [Rainbow Swirl] Normal sprite for Alcremie's Rainbow Swirl form with a Strawberry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Rainbow Swirl form with a Berry sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Rainbow Swirl form with a Love sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Rainbow Swirl form with a Star sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Rainbow Swirl form with a Clover sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Rainbow Swirl form with a Flower sweet. Normal sprite for Alcremie's Rainbow Swirl form with a Ribbon sweet. Thiinka
#0870 Falinks Normal sprite for Falinks. Shiny sprite for Falinks. Rhapsody
#0871 Pincurchin Normal sprite for Pincurchin. Shiny sprite for Pincurchin. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0872 Snom Normal sprite for Snom. Shiny sprite for Snom. LightKunai
#0873 Frosmoth Normal sprite for Frosmoth. Shiny sprite for Frosmoth. LightKunai
#0874 Stonjourner Normal sprite for Stonjourner. Shiny sprite for Stonjourner. LightKunai
#0875 Eiscue [Ice Face] Normal sprite for Eiscue in its Ice Face form. Shiny sprite for Eiscue in its Ice Face form. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Eiscue [Noice Face] Normal sprite for Eiscue in its No Ice Face form. Shiny sprite for Eiscue in its No Ice Face form. Entomolojest
#0876 Indeedee [F] Normal sprite for Indeedee's female form. Shiny sprite for Indeedee's female form. Thiinka
Indeedee [M] Normal sprite for Indeedee's male form. Shiny sprite for Indeedee's male form. Thiinka
#0877 Morpeko [Full Belly Mode] Normal sprite for Morpeko's Full Belly form. Shiny sprite for Morpeko's Full Belly form. PokeNOM NOM NOM
Morpeko [Hangry Mode] Normal sprite for Morpeko's Hangry form. Shiny sprite for Morpeko's Hangry form. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0878 Cufant Normal sprite for Cufant. Shiny sprite for Cufant. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0879 Copperajah Normal sprite for Copperajah. Shiny sprite for Copperajah. PokeNOM NOM NOM
#0880 Dracozolt Normal sprite for Dracozolt. Shiny sprite for Dracozolt. Zefa
#0881 Arctozolt Normal sprite for Arctozolt. Shiny sprite for Arctozolt. Zefa
#0882 Dracovish Normal sprite for Dracovish. Shiny sprite for Dracovish. PokeNOM NOM NOM [Cytosine - egg]
#0883 Arctovish Normal sprite for Arctovish. Shiny sprite for Arctovish. PokeNOM NOM NOM [Cytosine - egg]
#0884 Duraludon Normal sprite for Duraludon. Shiny sprite for Duraludon. LightKunai
#0885 Dreepy Normal sprite for Dreepy. Shiny sprite for Dreepy. Mosica
#0886 Drakloak Normal sprite for Drakloak. Shiny sprite for Drakloak. Mosica
#0887 Dragapult Normal sprite for Dragapult. Shiny sprite for Dragapult. Mosica
#0888 Zacian [Hero of Many Battles] Normal sprite for Zacian's original, scarred form. Shiny sprite for Zacian's original, scarred form. Cytosine
Zacian [Crowned Sword] Normal sprite for Zacian's Crowned Sword form. It now has metal wings and is holding a large sword in its mouth. Shiny sprite for Zacian's Crowned Sword form. It now has metal wings and is holding a large sword in its mouth. Cytosine
#0889 Zamazenta [Hero of Many Battles] Normal sprite for Zamazenta's original, scarred form. Shiny sprite for Zamazenta's original, scarred form. Cytosine
Zamazenta [Crowned Shield] Normal sprite for Zamazenta's Crowned Shield form. It now has a crown and a massive shield covering its front half like a mane. Shiny sprite for Zamazenta's Crowned Shield form. It now has a crown and a massive shield covering its front half like a mane. Cytosine
#0890 Eternatus Normal sprite for Eternatus. Shiny sprite for Eternatus. Rhapsody
#0891 Kubfu Normal sprite for Kubfu. Shiny sprite for Kubfu. Mosica
#0892 Urshifu [Single Strike Style] Normal sprite for Urshifu's Single Strike form. Shiny sprite for Urshifu's Single Strike form. Mosica
Urshifu [Rapid Strike Style] Normal sprite for Urshifu's Rapid Strike form. Shiny sprite for Urshifu's Rapid Strike form. Mosica
#0893 Zarude Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Not Implemented
Zarude [Dada] Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Not Implemented
#0894 Regieleki Normal sprite for Regieleki. Shiny sprite for Regieleki. Zefa
#0895 Regidrago Normal sprite for Regidrago. Shiny sprite for Regidrago. Zefa
#0896 Glastrier Normal sprite for Glastrier. Shiny sprite for Glastrier. LightKunai
#0897 Spectrier Normal sprite for Spectrier. Shiny sprite for Spectrier. LightKunai
#0898 Calyrex Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Not Implemented
Calyrex [Ice Rider] Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Not Implemented
Calyrex [Shadow Rider] Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Not Implemented

Gen VIII-V: Hisui

Dex Number Name Normal Shiny Artist
#0058 Hisuian Growlithe Normal sprite for Hisuian Growlithe. Shiny sprite for Hisuian Growlithe. Cytosine
#0059 Hisuian Arcanine Normal sprite for Hisuian Arcanine. Shiny sprite for Hisuian Arcanine. Cytosine
#0100 Hisuian Voltorb Normal sprite for Hisuian Voltorb. Shiny sprite for Hisuian Voltorb. Cytosine
#0101 Hisuian Electrode Normal sprite for Hisuian Electrode. Shiny sprite for Hisuian Electrode. Cytosine
#0157 Hisuian Typhlosion Normal sprite for Hisuian Typhlosion. Shiny sprite for Hisuian Typhlosion. LightKunai
#0211 Hisuian Qwilfish Normal sprite for Hisuian Qwilfish. Shiny sprite for Hisuian Qwilfish. Cytosine
#0904 Overqwil Normal sprite for Overqwil. Shiny sprite for Overqwil. Cytosine
#0215 Hisuian Sneasel Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Not Implemented
#0903 Sneasler Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Not Implemented
#0483 Dialga [Origin] Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Not Implemented
#0484 Palkia [Origin] Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Not Implemented
#0503 Hisuian Samurott Normal sprite for Hisuian Samurott. Shiny sprite for Hisuian Samurott. LightKunai
#0549 Hisuian Lilligant Normal sprite for Hisuian Lilligant. Shiny sprite for Hisuian Lilligant. Cytosine
#0550 Basculin [White-Striped] Normal sprite for white striped Basculin. Shiny sprite for white striped Basculin. Mosica
#0902 Basculegion [M] Normal sprite for Basculegion's male form. Shiny sprite for Basculegion's male form. Mosica
Basculegion [F] Normal sprite for Basculegion's female form. Shiny sprite for Basculegion's female form. Mosica
#0570 Hisuian Zorua Normal sprite for Hisuian Zorua. Shiny sprite for Hisuian Zorua. PuppyToast
#0571 Hisuian Zoroark Normal sprite for Hisuian Zoroark. Shiny sprite for Hisuian Zoroark. PuppyToast
#0628 Hisuian Braviary Normal sprite for Hisuian Braviary. Shiny sprite for Hisuian Braviary. Cytosine
#0705 Hisuian Sliggoo Normal sprite for Hisuian Sliggoo. Shiny sprite for Hisuian Sliggoo. Entomolojest
#0706 Hisuian Goodra Normal sprite for Hisuian Goodra. Shiny sprite for Hisuian Goodra. Entomolojest
#0713 Hisuian Avalugg Normal sprite for Hisuian Avalugg. Shiny sprite for Hisuian Avalugg. Cytosine
#0724 Hisuian Decidueye Normal sprite for Hisuian Decidueye. Shiny sprite for Hisuian Decidueye. LightKunai
#0899 Wyrdeer Normal sprite for Wyrdeer. Shiny sprite for Wyrdeer. Cytosine
#0900 Kleavor Normal sprite for Kleavor. Shiny sprite for Kleavor. Cytosine
#0901 Ursaluna Normal sprite for Ursaluna. Shiny sprite for Ursaluna. Cytosine
Ursaluna [Blood Moon] Normal sprite for the Blood Moon form of Ursaluna. Shiny sprite for the Blood Moon form of Ursaluna. Cytosine
#0905 Enamorus [Incarnate] Normal sprite for the Incarnate form of Enamorus. Shiny sprite for the Incarnate form of Enamorus. Cytosine
Enamorus [Therian] Normal sprite for the Therian form of Enamorus. Shiny sprite for the Therian form of Enamorus. Cytosine

Gen IX: Paldea

Dex Number Name Normal Shiny Artist
#0128 Paldean Tauros [Combat Breed] Normal sprite for Paldean Tauros' Combat Breed form. Shiny sprite for Paldean Tauros' Combat Breed form. Cytosine
Paldean Tauros [Blaze Breed] Normal sprite for Paldean Tauros' Blaze Breed form. Shiny sprite for Paldean Tauros' Blaze Breed form. Cytosine
Paldean Tauros [Aqua Breed] Normal sprite for Paldean Tauros' Aqua Breed form. Shiny sprite for Paldean Tauros' Aqua Breed form. Cytosine
#0194 Paldean Wooper Normal sprite for Paldean Wooper. Shiny sprite for Paldean Wooper. Cytosine
#0980 Clodsire Normal sprite for Clodsire. Shiny sprite for Clodsire. Cytosine

Dex Number Name Normal Shiny Artist
#0906 Sprigatito Normal sprite for Sprigatito. Shiny sprite for Sprigatito. PuppyToast
#0907 Floragato Normal sprite for Floragato. Shiny sprite for Floragato. PuppyToast
#0908 Meowscarada Normal sprite for Meowscarada. Shiny sprite for Meowscarada. PuppyToast
#0909 Fuecoco Normal sprite for Fuecoco. Shiny sprite for Fuecoco. Mosica
#0910 Crocalor Normal sprite for Crocalor. Shiny sprite for Crocalor. Mosica
#0911 Skeledirge Normal sprite for Skeledirge. Shiny sprite for Skeledirge. Mosica
#0912 Quaxly Normal sprite for Quaxly. Shiny sprite for Quaxly. Entomolojest
#0913 Quaxwell Normal sprite for Quaxwell. Shiny sprite for Quaxwell. Entomolojest
#0914 Quaquaval Normal sprite for Quaquaval. Shiny sprite for Quaquaval. Entomolojest
#0915 Lechonk Normal sprite for Lechonk. Shiny sprite for Lechonk. Cytosine
#0916 Oinkologne [F] Normal sprite for Oinkologne's female form. Shiny sprite for Oinkologne's female form. Cytosine
Oinkologne [M] Normal sprite for Oinkologne's male form. Shiny sprite for Oinkologne's male form. Cytosine
#0917 Tarountola Normal sprite for Tarountola. Shiny sprite for Tarountola. Cytosine
#0918 Spidops Normal sprite for Spidops. Shiny sprite for Spidops. Cytosine
#0921 Pawmi Normal sprite for Pawmi. Shiny sprite for Pawmi. Cytosine
#0922 Pawmo Normal sprite for Pawmo. Shiny sprite for Pawmo. Cytosine
#0923 Pawmot Normal sprite for Pawmot. Shiny sprite for Pawmot. Cytosine
#0924 Tandemaus Normal sprite for Tandemaus. Shiny sprite for Tandemaus. Thiinka / Cytosine
#0925 Maushold [Family of Four] Normal sprite for Maushold with four family members. Shiny sprite for Maushold with four family members. Thiinka / Cytosine
Maushold [Family of Three] Normal sprite for Maushold with three family members. Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Thiinka / Cytosine
#0926 Fidough Normal sprite for Fidough. Shiny sprite for Fidough. Entomolojest
#0927 Dachsbun Normal sprite for Dachsbun. Shiny sprite for Dachsbun. Entomolojest
#0928 Smoliv Normal sprite for Smoliv. Shiny sprite for Smoliv. Thiinka / Cytosine
#0929 Dolliv Normal sprite for Dolliv. Shiny sprite for Dolliv. Thiinka / Cytosine
#0930 Arboliva Normal sprite for Arboliva. Shiny sprite for Arboliva. Thiinka / Cytosine
#0931 Squawkabilly [Green Plumage] Normal sprite for Squawkabilly with green plumage. Shiny sprite for Squawkabilly with green plumage. Cytosine
Squawkabilly [Blue Plumage] Normal sprite for Squawkabilly with blue plumage. Shiny sprite for Squawkabilly with blue plumage. Cytosine
Squawkabilly [Yellow Plumage] Normal sprite for Squawkabilly with yellow plumage. Shiny sprite for Squawkabilly with yellow plumage. Cytosine
Squawkabilly [White Plumage] Normal sprite for Squawkabilly with white plumage. Shiny sprite for Squawkabilly with white plumage. Cytosine
#0935 Charcadet Normal sprite for Charcadet. Shiny sprite for Charcadet. Thiinka / Cytosine
#0936 Armarouge Normal sprite for Armarouge. Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Thiinka / Cytosine
#0937 Ceruledge Normal sprite for Ceruledge. Shiny sprite for Ceruledge. Thiinka / Cytosine
#0938 Tadbulb Normal sprite for Tadbulb. Shiny sprite for Tadbulb. Akari
#0939 Bellibolt Normal sprite for Bellibolt. Shiny sprite for Bellibolt. Akari
#0942 Maschiff Normal sprite for Maschiff. Shiny sprite for Maschiff. Cytosine
#0943 Mabosstiff Normal sprite for Mabosstiff. Shiny sprite for Mabosstiff. Cytosine
#0957 Tinkatink Normal sprite for Tinkatink. Shiny sprite for Tinkatink. Thiinka / Cytosine
#0958 Tinkatuff Normal sprite for Tinkatuff. Shiny sprite for Tinkatuff. Thiinka / Cytosine
#0959 Tinkaton Normal sprite for Tinkaton. Shiny sprite for Tinkaton. Thiinka / Cytosine
#0963 Finizen Normal sprite for Finizen. Shiny sprite for Finizen. Cytosine
#0964 Palafin [Zero] Normal sprite for Palafin's Zero form. Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Cytosine
Palafin [Hero] Normal sprite for Palafin's Hero form. Placeholder sprite. It's a glitch Pokemon that is a question mark. Cytosine
#0967 Cyclizar Normal sprite for Cyclizar. Shiny sprite for Cyclizar. Cytosine
#0971 Greavard Normal sprite for Greavard. Shiny sprite for Greavard. Keqings Lightning Stiletto
#0972 Houndstone Normal sprite for Houndstone. Shiny sprite for Houndstone. Keqings Lightning Stiletto
#0973 Flamigo Normal sprite for Flamigo. Shiny sprite for Flamigo. Keqings Lightning Stiletto
#0976 Veluza Normal sprite for Veluza. Shiny sprite for Veluza. Cytosine
#0978 Tatsugiri [Curly] Normal sprite for Tatsugiri's Curly form, which is orange. Shiny sprite for Tatsugiri's Curly form, which is orange with a brown 'soy sauce' marking on its back. Cytosine
Tatsugiri [Droopy] Normal sprite for Tatsugiri's Droopy form, which is pink. Shiny sprite for Tatsugiri's Droopy form, which is white. Cytosine
Tatsugiri [Stretchy] Normal sprite for Tatsugiri's Stretchy form, which is yellow. Shiny sprite for Tatsugiri's Stretchy form, which is orange. Cytosine
#0981 Farigiraf Normal sprite for Farigiraf. Shiny sprite for Farigiraf. Thiinka / Cytosine
#0982 Dudunsparce [Two-Segment] Normal sprite for Dudunsparce with two segments. Shiny sprite for Dudunsparce with two segments. Cytosine
Dudunsparce [Three-Segment] Normal sprite for Dudunsparce with three segments. Shiny sprite for Dudunsparce with three segments. Cytosine
#0984 Great Tusk Normal sprite for Great Tusk. Shiny sprite for Great Tusk. Cytosine
#0985 Scream Tail Normal sprite for Scream Tail. Shiny sprite for Scream Tail. Cytosine
#0986 Brute Bonnet Normal sprite for Brute Bonnet. Shiny sprite for Brute Bonnet. Cytosine
#0987 Flutter Mane Normal sprite for Flutter Mane. Shiny sprite for Flutter Mane. Cytosine
#0988 Slither Wing Normal sprite for Slither Wing. Shiny sprite for Slither Wing. Entomolojest
#0989 Sandy Shocks Normal sprite for Sandy Shocks. Shiny sprite for Sandy Shocks. Cytosine
#1005 Roaring Moon Normal sprite for Roaring Moon. Shiny sprite for Roaring Moon. Cytosine
#1011 Dipplin Normal sprite for Dipplin. Shiny sprite for Dipplin. Cytosine
#1019 Hydrapple Normal sprite for Hydrapple. Shiny sprite for Hydrapple. Cytosine
#1024 Terapagos Normal sprite for Terapagos' normal form. Shiny sprite for Terapagos' normal form. Thiinka / Cytosine
Terapagos [Terastal] Normal sprite for Terapagos' Terastal form. Shiny sprite for Terapagos' Terastal form. Cytosine
Terapagos [Stellar] Normal sprite for Terapagos' Stellar form. Shiny sprite for Terapagos' Stellar form. Thiinka / Cytosine
These are currently the only Pokemon from Paldea implemented.